

161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.便条约圆里我还有些問題要問。

162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions.我們总是樂意共同的,如果須要借能夠做些妥協。

163 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.對這些條款有何定見,請只筦提,不必客套。

164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?您以為合同有問題嗎?

165 We'd like you to consider our request once again.我們死機貴方再次推敲我們的請供。

166 We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我們渴望搞清楚有關合同中技能圓裏的几個成勣。

167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的權力跟責任方面的會談非常勝利。

168 We can't agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract.我們無奈同意對开同工的變更戰點竄。

169 We hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract.我們但願下一扳談判將是簽署合同前的最后一輪搆跟。

170 We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties.便合同兩邊要承噹的任務方面,我們不什麼见解。

171 That's international practice. We can't break it.這是國際惯例,我們不能違反。

172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我們能够從新考虑修改合同。

173 We'll have to discuss about the total contract price.我們不克不及不探討一下合同的總價錢問題。

174 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you?你們以為結算方式適合嗎?

175 We are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.偺們很高兴你正在處理有閉開同的題目上如此存正在培植性。

176 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.那是我們籌備好的兩份合同副本。

177 Would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms?請細心瀏覽合同草案,翻譯,並就合同各條目提出你的見解好嗎?]178 When will the contract be ready?合同什麼時候預備好?

179 Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosedhere in duplicate and return to us for our file.請會簽第156號發賣合統一式兩份中的一份,翻譯,將它寄回我方存檔。

180 The contract will be sent to you by air mail for your signature.合同會航郵給你們簽字。

181 Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing?你不觉得應噹細古道热肠檢討一下條約,省得遗漏甚麼嗎?

182 We have agreed on all terms in the contract. Shall we sign it next week?我們對合同各項條目齊無貳行,下周簽合同若何?

183 We had expected much lower prices.我們願看報價再低一些。

184 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.這些報價比其他任何處所皆要低很多。

185 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.我能夠把比貴公司報價低良多的價目表給你看看。

