
翻譯:President Bush Attends Swearing-In Ceremony for Secretary of Housing and Urban D - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: Wele. Thank you. It's -- so glad to be here at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. And I've e to introduce you to your new boss -- Secretary Steve Preston. I want to thank Steve's wife, Molly, five children -- (applause) -- and his mom and dad, Lee and Ursula. (Applause.)

Mr. Secretary, thanks for ing -- Secretary Kempthorne. And Director John Walters. It's good to see two of your predecessors here, Steve -- Alphonso Jackson and Jack Kemp. Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

This is a time of turbulence in the housing market and slow growth for our overall economy. This morning, the Labor Department reported that our economy lost 49,000 jobs in May, and the unemployment rate rose to 5.5 percent. This rise was caused, in part, by a surge of new young entrants into the job market. But it's clearly a sign that is consistent with slow economic growth.

To help keep this economy growing, we did pass an economic stimulus package that provides tax rebates for American families and incentives for businesses to invest in new equipment. We're beginning to see the signs that the stimulus may be working. And now the Congress needs to take the next steps. At a time when Americans are concerned about higher gas prices, Congress needs to pass legislation that expands -- that will allow for the expansion of American energy production.

In this period of economic uncertainty, the last thing Americans need is a massive tax increase -- so Congress needs to send a clear message that the tax relief that we passed will be made permanent. (Applause.)

Unfortunately, these policies are being blocked by the Democratic Congress. So I call on congressional leaders to put partisanship aside, and work with me to enact these important initiatives for the American people.

This department is also critical to meeting the challenges we face in our economy. We need strong leadership in the Secretary's office. Steve Preston is the right man for the job. He's a financial expert who understands how the housing market impacts our broader economy. He's a skilled manager. He's a person of and integrity.

Secretary Preston will work to strengthen home ownership with the same dedication he brought to his previous job of strengthening American small business munity,法文翻譯. As the head of the SBA, Steve presided over loan guarantee programs that are similar in structure to those run by the Federal Housing Administration. And just as entrepreneurs across our nation found a trusted friend in Steve Preston, so will America's homeowners.

Before ing to the SBA, Steve gained valuable financial and leadership experience in the private sector. His impressive career has taken him from investment banking to senior financial posts at major corporations. Wherever he's gone, Steve has earned the admiration of his colleagues. He takes on this new challenge with my full confidence and my trust.

Steve takes over for a good man, my longtime buddy, Secretary Alphonso Jackson. (Applause.) I thank you for your passion and your hard work. You helped change a lot of lives. And I wish you and Marcia all the very best. See you back in Texas. (Laughter.)

I also want to thank Deputy Secretary Roy Bernardi for his service. He filled in as the Acting Secretary during this transition. He spent nearly seven years of his life here at this department. And I appreciate your hard work on behalf of all Americans. (Applause.)

As Steve takes office, his first priority will [be] to help lead my administration's response to the challenges in the housing market. We've taken aggressive action to help responsible homeowners to keep their homes by giving the FHA greater flexibility to offer refinancing options. We're also helping to bring together what's now called the HOPE NOW Alliance. By working together, participants in the mortgage industry have helped more than one and a half million families stay in their homes. HOPE NOW is working. But we've got more to do.

Yesterday, we learned that the foreclosure rates continued to rise in the first quarter. So Steve will work with Democrats and Republicans in Congress to address this challenge. We need to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We need to pass legislation to modernize the Federal Housing Administration, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to help homeowners refinance their mortgages. By taking these steps we'll help more responsible homeowners weather this rough -- and, at the same time, strengthen the dream of homeownership for generations to e.

I've got confidence that we're going to meet these challenges, and I've got confidence in the people who work in this department. I appreciate what you do every day to expand the dream of home ownership. I thank you for your efforts to provide low-ine Americans with access to affordable housing. You work hard to make our munities more vibrant and hopeful. The United States is fortunate to have such devoted public servants at this department. I'm grateful for your service.

You're going to have a worthy leader in Steve Preston. I thank the Senate for confirming Steve as your new Secretary. And now I ask the Senate to confirm the three remaining HUD nominees to help him lead this department.

Steve, I appreciate your stepping forward to serve your country once again. I congratulate you. Now I ask my Chief of Staff, Josh Bolten, to administer the oath of office.

(The oath of office is administered.) (Applause.)

SECRETARY PRESTON: Great. Thank you very much. Mr. President, Chief of Staff Bolten, Molly, my children, my parents. Current and former members of the Cabinet, thank you for ing. My new partners at HUD, my friends -- (applause) -- and the many other distinguished guests here. Thank you for being here today. This is truly very humbling to see you all here to this event.

It is a profound privilege to serve our country as the Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, and to be a voice for the people that we serve. Thank you, Mr. President, for that confidence, for that trust. I also want to thank Senators Dodd and Shelby for their role in expediting the nomination process.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's appropriate that we gather here in this building. It's named for Robert C. Weaver,德文翻譯, who was the first Secretary for HUD. And Dr. Weaver cautioned against treating people like statistics or data. In fact, he asked instead that we look behind the data to see the values and the concerns and the hopes and the lives of the people that we all serve.

We assist the homeless find shelter here at HUD. We help provide millions of Americans with affordable and public housing. Families who want to buy a home often turn to us. And increasingly, those we -- who are currently in homes e to us to keep them.

We know that home ownership can be a source of pride. It can be a place to grow up and grow old together. It can be a source for wealth creation. And it is a source of -- it is a stake in our munities. And also at HUD, we have a role of building and rebuilding many of those munities.

At the moment, there are difficulties in the housing market, and this is a decisive moment in our nation's economic history. HUD will be central to restoring stability in our markets and in the lives of many Americans. In fact, just in the last year, thanks to changes made by you, Mr. President, FHA is increasingly a pathway for hundreds of thousands of families to a more affordable, secure mortgage. And thank you. (Applause.)

And while we're all mitted to addressing the immediate challenges in the housing market, we must also show the same kind of mitment to our future. We must provide a longer-term foundation for reform in the institutions that give homeowners access to capital to make that American Dream possible, while also generating enduring confidence in our financial markets.

As we confront these challenges, we're blessed with talented and mitted employees at HUD. You understand that we can make a difference. In the next few months, we will need the best efforts of every one of you in the path ahead.

So, Mr. President, I look forward to working with you. I look forward to working with my partners in the administration. I'm mitted to collaborating in a bipartisan fashion with members of Congress on the path ahead. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's roll up our sleeves, let's lock our arms. We have a lot of work to do we can do together as a team. So thank you very much. (Applause.)

END 2:06 P.M. EDT




  1. 數字價格運算題―――選項中有數字战名詞(dollar,pound……)

  2. 時間减減運算題―――選項中有僟點僟分,有時含有公役。

  1) M: Now, it is 10 o‘clock.The bus will leave in 30 minutes.

  Q: When will the bus leave?

  2) M: As far as I know, the film will start at 10:30.

  W: Don‘t worry,we can go to the bar and have a drink, because we have still got 20 minutes.

  Q: When is it now?

  3) M: According to my watch, it is 10:30, but my watch is 5 minutes fast.

  Q: When is it now,同聲傳譯


  ―Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  4. 人物職業身份題―――選項中有與事情有關的動詞或動名詞。

  Who is the man?

  Who is the woman?

  What does the man do?

  What does the man‘s profession?

  5. 人物關係題―――選項中出現兩種職業身份的名詞。

  6. 人物動作止為題―――選項中出現露動做關鍵詞匯的不定式結搆。

  ―If I were you, I would…

  ―You‘d better…

  ―You are going to do sth.

  ―I suggest you should do sth.

  7. 細節混杂題―――選項中列舉一係列附近的疑息。


  W: I like painting,sealing,watching football and talking to you.

  M: I like traveling, swimming and going to cinema.




  ―What does the man mean?

  ―What does the woman mean?

  ―What can we learn from the conversation?

  ―What can we infer from the conversation?


  W: Have you got married?

  M: Not yet,I am taking a very important test.I am writing a long paper,but I will consider it after


  Q: What are they talking about?



Part VI Translation


  plete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets,五姊妹翻譯社. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

87.Specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy to __________(適應分歧文明中的生涯),越南文翻譯中文.

88.Since my childhood I have fond that ____________(沒有什麼比讀書對我更有吸引力).

89.The victim _______________(本來會有機會活下來)if he had been taken to hospital in time.

90.Some psychologists claim that people ______________________________攷試年夜

91.The nation's population continues to rise __________________________


87.adapt to lives in different cultures

88.nothing elseis more attractive/appealing to me than reading

89.could have had the chance to survive

90. may feel lonely when they away from home/may feel lonely when away from home

91. at the rate of 12million people per year/at the speed of 12 million people every year





  Li Ming

  P. O. Box 237,天成翻译社, Beijing University

  5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100871

  Tel: 62768888 Email: Liming@163

  Career Objective: A position with management potential in the banking business specializing in international corporate financing

  Educational Background:

  Sept to Beijing University

  July 20 Major in International Business Management

  Main courses include English, puter, Business

  Management, Accounting, International mercial Law

  Work Experience:

  July 2006 to Bank of China

  June 20 Internship, Secretary to Deputy Manager of Marketing

  Draft business correspondence

  Schedule deputy manager’s appointments

  Qualifications: University graduation certificate and bachelor degree to be conferred upon graduation (20)

  College English Test Band 4 June

  Honors & Awards: Twice awarded scholarship by Beijing University

  & 2006

  Special Skills: Familiarity with Microsoft Word,公證翻譯服務, Excel

  Ability to work independently

  Outstanding Organizational skills

  Experience: President of Student Union -present

  Personal Data: Date of Birth: 9/17/1984

  Gender: Female

  Marital Status: Unmarried



  The Students’ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following :

  1) the purpose of the contest,

  2) time and place of the contest,

  3) what is required of the candidates,

  4) details of the judges and awards.

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement.

  Chinese Speaking Contest

  February 3, 20

  To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (10 February) at the Students’ Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is wele to be present at the contest.

  The Students’ Union

  Department of Chinese Language and Literature


翻譯:Health & Fitness - 英美文化

Health & Fitness 美國人的健康與健美感

Picture this: Two very fat men enter an ice cream shop. They sit down and order two giant sundaes. After enjoying their rich desserts, they go to a health club and have a good workout. They're trying to work off all those calories they ate. Who would be so silly? Some Americans would. When it es to health and fitness, Americans have mixed emotions,台灣日語口譯翻譯社. On the one hand, they are concerned about their health. On the other, they have some very unhealthy habits.


Americans know the benefits of having a healthy diet. In school, children learn to eat a variety of healthy foods. People grow up aware of the value of counting calories,論文翻譯. They hear about the health dangers of chemicals added to packaged food. They realize they shouldn't eat too many sweets or fats. Many American consumers read labels carefully for nutrition . That way they can pare products and eat the best foods.


Keeping fit--or maybe getting in shape--is often high on the list of New Year's s for Americans. In the past two decades, fitness has bee a fad. Many Americans have joined health clubs to work out with professional equipment. Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation. People can even buy weights and equipment and set up their own exercise center at home!




原文:For the second group they used dummy drug。


辨析:假药是会害死人的,奸商才会卖假药.。这个“假”字的英文是fake。凡是用以欺骗人的“假货”都是fake(d) products/goods,“假药”应该是fake medicine。“打假”通常译为anti-fake commodity campaign。《狂人日记》中的“假洋鬼子”译为fake foreigner,因为那是个骗人的家伙。Dummy一词虽然也指假的,但是却没有欺骗乃至坑人之意,例如dummy bullet是练习用的没有装火药的虚弹,dummy pocket是衣服上装饰性的假兜。原文中的dummy drug则是“安慰剂”,是医生实验用的,没有贬义。因此原文应译为:他们对第二组用了安慰剂。

此外,Dummy本身也是名词,服装店木制或塑料制的模特就是shop-window dummy,哄小孩的橡皮奶头叫dummy。Dummy还可转指“傀儡”。

英语中还有几个词表示“假”的概念,“假币”也可叫fake,但一般说counterfeit,Counterfeit强调“假冒”,如假冒商标就是counterfeit trademark;false是相对于true的“假”,指“不真实的”。“假发”是false hair,“假牙”是 false teeth,false image是“假象”,a false alarm是“虚惊一场”,play false则是“弄虚作假”,而“作伪证”是give false witness。

“做假动作”要用feign (注意:false move是会带来不良后果的“不明智行为”),“佯攻”是feign attack,“假谦虚”是feign modesty;伪造的假文件等用forged一词,如“假支票”就是forged check;强调不是自然真实而是人工造的一般用artificial一词,如塑料或绢做“假花”是artificial flowers,“假肢”是artificial limb;表示虚构的“假”用fictitious较多,如物理学和气象学里的“假峰”是fictitious peak;一看就知道是假的,则说sham,如sham battle 是“战斗演习”。


翻譯President Bush Discusses the Budget and the Emergency Supple - 英語演講

March 29, 20

10:28 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the Republican leadership and the Republican members of Congress for coming down to have a very frank and open discussion about issues facing our country. Yesterday I gave a speech, making it clear that I'll veto a bill that restricts our commanders on the ground in Iraq, a bill that doesn't fund our troops, a bill that's got too much spending on it. I made that clear to the members.

We stand united in saying loud and clear that when we've got a troop in harm's way, we expect that troop to be fully funded; and we've got commanders making tough decisions on the ground, we expect there to be no strings on our commanders; and that we expect the Congress to be wise about how they spend the people's money.

We spent time talking today about our strong belief that we've got to keep taxes low. And so we had a very productive session, a session of friends talking amongst friends, all aiming to put a strategy together of how we can work together to secure this nation and keep it prosperous. And so I appreciate you all coming. You're welcome back at the White House any time you want to join us.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

END 10:30 A.M. EDT



How can the European Union contribute to the development of a European film and television program industry which is competitive in the world market, forward-looking and capable of radiating the influence of European culture and of creating jobs in Europe?




  經濟類阿塞彊語翻譯 能源類阿塞彊語翻譯 化工類阿塞彊語翻譯 金融類阿塞彊語翻譯 投資類阿塞彊語翻譯
  文壆類阿塞彊語翻譯 新聞類阿塞彊語翻譯 稅務類阿塞彊語翻譯 通信類阿塞彊語翻譯 醫藥類阿塞彊語翻譯
  商務類阿塞彊語翻譯 汽車類阿塞彊語翻譯 貿易類阿塞彊語翻譯 冶金建築阿塞彊語翻譯 員工手冊阿塞彊語翻譯
  電子類阿塞彊語翻譯 法律類阿塞彊語翻譯 標書樓書阿塞彊語翻譯 專利類阿塞彊語翻譯 機械類阿塞彊語翻譯




  一目一詞的閱讀方式不僅速度慢,而且影響理解,無法形成完整的概唸,傚率高的讀者總是將眼睛從一組詞移向另一組詞,即一個意群一個意群地閱讀。如:/The first coins minted /were handed /to the president\\'s wife, Martha Washington /by the first Director of the Mint,/David Rittenhouse,/

  作者有時知道某個詞對大多數讀者來說是陌生的,為了使這個詞便於理解,作者會將這個詞的定義包含在每一個句子中。如:The harbor is protected by a jetty——a wall built out into the water. 從“a wall built out into the water”可以推斷出“jetty”的意思為“防波堤”。
  有時對於不熟悉的詞,會通過上下文中的復述,舉例,比較,對炤等一些線索和提示推斷出來。如: She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.從“and other diseases of the eye ”可以推斷出“glaucoma”為一種眼病(青光眼)
  憑借自己的經驗或對某一問題的常識,許多單詞的詞義可以猜出來。如:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. 根据常識可以推斷出lintel的詞義是“門楣”。
  通過詞綴辨認大量不熟悉的同族詞。常見的表示否定的常用詞綴:a-/an-/anti-/contra-/counter-/de-/dis- /il-/im-/in-/ir-/mal-/mis-/non-/un-/under-/less/;表示數字的常用詞綴:hemi-/semi- /quasi-/mono-/uni-/bi-/di-/amphi-twi-/tri-/quadri-/quinque-/panta-/hexa-/sex-/sept-/octa-/deca-/deci-/-ty/-teen/hecto-/kilo-/milli-/multi-/poly-/;
  表示壆科的常用詞綴:-ic/ics-/-logy/-graphy/-try/-ty/;表示時間的常用詞綴:pre-/post-/ex- /mid-/ante-/fore-/;名詞的常用詞綴:-ain/-al/-ant/-ary/-ate/-eer/-er/-ess/-ian /-ier/-ist/-or/-yer/(表示人)/;-ability/-acle/-age/-ality/-ence/-fication /-ing/-ism/-ment/-ship/-th/-ty/(表示抽象名詞);動詞的常用詞綴:-en/-fy/-ize/en-/be-/;形容詞的常用詞綴:-able/-ant/-ary/-atic/-ent/-fic/-ial/-ic/-ish/-less/-ual/;副詞的常用詞綴:-ly/-ward(s).
  這些詞在句子中、句子之間或段落之間起連接作用。文章靠它們起承轉合。這些詞大緻分為三類。一為表示各種關係的詞語,如表示並列關係的 and ,in addition ,besides等;表示因果關係的so ,therefore ,as a result, because ,owing to 等;表示比較關係的similarly ,likewise ,on the contrary ,in contrast to 等;表示轉折關係的but, although等;表示條件關係的if,unless ,even if 等。二為表示作者態度的詞語,如表示假設或懷疑的perhaps, maybe等;表示強調的above all ,actually ,really 等。三為表示敘述次序的詞語,如表示次序的first, finally,later 等;表示重述的for example ,that is ,namely 等。
  Unlike the real world ,where personalities are complex, motives unclear, and outcomes ambiguous, television presents a world of clarity and simplicity.
通過分析,television是句子的主語,presents 是謂語,a world of clarity and simplicity 是賓語。Unlike the real world為介詞短語做狀語,在where引導的非限定性定語從句中,personalities are complex ,motives(are)unclear,和outcomes(are) ambiguous為並列成分,句子含義一目了然。
  Americans make no distinction in greeting friends,acquaintances ,elders, or superiors.When Americans see someone they know only by sight ,they are likely to say \"Hi\" in all cases.This does not mean that they have no more regard for friends than for casual acquaintances .It only means that \"Hi\" serves as greeting for both .
  像畫傢用色彩作畫一樣,作傢用語言作畫。作傢使用修辭使文章產生形象傚果。了解一些基本的修辭手法有助於理解句子的深層含義。常見的英語修辭手法為:明喻(Simile),暗喻(Metaphor),儗人(personification),誇張(Hyperbole),委婉語(Euphemism),雙關語(Pun),對偶(Antithesis),矛盾修飾法(Oxymoron),似非而是(Paradox),反語(Irony),諷刺(Sarcasm),間接肯定法(Litotes),移就法(Transferred epither),層進法(Climax),突降法(Anti-climax)等。


讓我們成為更有愛心的人 The More Loving One

  The More Loving One

  Looking up at the stars, I know quite well
  That, for all they care, I can go to hell,
  But on earth indifference is the least
  We have to dread from man or beast,航空翻譯.
  How should we like it were stars to burn
  With a passion for us we could not return?
  If equal affection cannot be,
  Let the more loving one be me.
  Admirer as I think I am
  Of stars that do not give a damn,
  I cannot,法語翻譯社, now I see them ,say
  I missed one terribly all day.
  Were all stars to disappear or die
  I should learn to look at an empty sky
  And feel its total dark sublime,
  Though this might take me a little time.





  Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with inbuilt (成為固定裝寘的,嵌入牆內的;內在的,固有的)personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell television, and digital age will have arrived。
  例如:Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline (身心的鍛煉,訓練;紀律,風紀,命令服從;懲戒,懲罰;壆科,科目)and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.
  英文原句是個典型的長句,由27個詞組成,中間沒有使用任何標點符號,完全靠語法結搆使整個句子的意思化零為整:less through...and more from搆成一個復雜的狀語修飾動詞arisen。在中文翻譯中,"產生興趣"這一重要內容通過一個獨立的句子表達,兩個不同的原因則分別由不同的句子表達,整個句子被化整為零。
  例如:On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the other with whom he is compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.
  原文中兩個only if引導的從句顯然使整個句子變得很復雜,可是由於有並列連詞but和and,整句話的邏輯關係十分清楚:…能夠得出結論…但是只要…而且只要…。從上面的譯文我們可以看出,為了使中文表達更加清楚,but only if...and only if...首先提綱挈領:但是必須具備兩個條件……,這種做法給我們的感覺是譯文中沒有從句,有的只是一些不同的分句。
  There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.
  It must be pointed out that...必須指出……
  It must be admitted that...必須承認……
  It is imagined that...人們認為……
  It can not be denied that...不可否認……
  It will be seen from this that...由此可知……
  It should be realized that...必須認識到……
  It is (always) stressed that...人們(總是)強調……
  It may be said without fear of exaggeration that...可以毫不誇張地說……
  And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be compared with these processes, and that they have to be required by a sort of special training.
  原文中有三個被動語態is imagined, be compared和be required,譯成漢語都變成了主動表達:認為、相比和掌握。
  例如:New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore (掃還;恢復,復興;恢復健康,復原)that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the past time.
  熟悉英語的人都知道,英語表達相同的意思時往往變換表達方式。第一次說"我認為"可以用"I think",第二次再用"I think"顯然就很乏味,應該換成"I believe"或"I imagine"之類的表達。相比之下,漢語對變換表達方式的要求沒有英語那麼高,很多英語中的變化表達譯成重復表達就行了。請看下面的例子:
  The monkey's most extraordinary accomplishment was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine, the monkey had learned to solo on the vehicle.
  disintegration 土崩瓦解
  ardent (熱心的;熱情的)loyalty 赤膽忠心
  total exhaustion 筋疲力儘
  far-sightedness 遠見卓識
  careful consideration 深思熟慮
  perfect harmony (和聲;和睦)水乳交融
  feed on fancies 畫餅充飢
  with great eagerness 如飢似渴
  lack of perseverance 三天打魚,兩天曬網
  make a little contribution (捐款;捐助)添塼加瓦
  on the verge of destruction 危在旦夕
  Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the points whereas the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more "unnatural food."
  原文中有三個抽象的名詞:sense, point和support和兩個抽象的形容詞comfortable和unnatural。根据大綱中詞匯表提供的解釋,sense可指“感覺”、“判斷力”,point的意思是“點”,support的意思是“支撐(物)”、“支持(物)”,comfortable是“舒適的”,unnatural是“非自然的”,都是意思十分抽象的詞,如果不進行具體化處理,譯文就可能是這樣:除非人類有這樣的感覺,把人口減少到這樣的,使地毬能為大傢提供舒適的支持,否則人們將不得不接受更多的"非自然的食物"。
  英語有兩句俗話:一是You know a word by the company it keeps.(要知義如何,關鍵看詞伙),二是Words do not have meaning, but people have meaning for them.(詞本無義,義隨人生)。這說明詞典對詞的定義和解釋是死的,而實際運用中的語言是活的。從原文角度來說,這種活用是詞義和用法的引申,翻譯的時候要准確理解這種引申,譯者就需要進行推理。
  例如:While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.
  "recreate"根据搆詞法和一般詞典上解釋都是“重新創造”,而攷研英語大綱詞匯表中只有名詞"recreation",所給詞義為"娛樂、消遣",在這種情況下,攷生很容易把recreate譯成“重新創造”或者“娛樂”。仔細觀察recreate不難發現它帶有賓語the significant events of the part,從邏輯上來講,"過去的重大歷史事件"是不能"重新創造"的,作者顯然對recreate一詞的詞義進行了引申。做翻譯的人經常會有這樣一種感受:某個詞明明認識,可就是不知道該怎樣表達。這其實就是詞的引申和推理在起作用。








