
翻譯:Health & Fitness - 英美文化

Health & Fitness 美國人的健康與健美感

Picture this: Two very fat men enter an ice cream shop. They sit down and order two giant sundaes. After enjoying their rich desserts, they go to a health club and have a good workout. They're trying to work off all those calories they ate. Who would be so silly? Some Americans would. When it es to health and fitness, Americans have mixed emotions,台灣日語口譯翻譯社. On the one hand, they are concerned about their health. On the other, they have some very unhealthy habits.


Americans know the benefits of having a healthy diet. In school, children learn to eat a variety of healthy foods. People grow up aware of the value of counting calories,論文翻譯. They hear about the health dangers of chemicals added to packaged food. They realize they shouldn't eat too many sweets or fats. Many American consumers read labels carefully for nutrition . That way they can pare products and eat the best foods.


Keeping fit--or maybe getting in shape--is often high on the list of New Year's s for Americans. In the past two decades, fitness has bee a fad. Many Americans have joined health clubs to work out with professional equipment. Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation. People can even buy weights and equipment and set up their own exercise center at home!


