

Deadly, drug-defying CRE bacteria on rise in U.S. hospitals



A deadly bacteria that’s practically impervious to antibiotics is on the rise and has appeared in medical facilities in 42 U.S,日翻中. states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.


The rate of infection from carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, might seem low -- 4% -- but it has risen fourfold in just the last decade. CRE is resistant even to last-resort drugs such as carbapenem and can potentially be very deadly. Up to half of patients who develop a bloodstream infection from CRE die, according to the CDC report.

按炤美國疾控預防中間的陳述,這種難以醫治的緻命細菌名叫抗碳氫霉烯類腸講菌(Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae,簡稱CRE),果對藥物平分量級抗死素碳青霉烯類抗生素具備極強抵抗力而得名。這種細菌感染率略低於4%,但從前的十年它感染人數上升了四倍。

CRE can infect many different body systems -- the bloodstream, soft tissues, the urinary tract. It thrives in hospitals, typically taking hold in already-sick patients, often via ventilators, catheters or other equipment handled by medical caregivers moving from patient to patient.


The bugs are particularly prevalent in certain areas, including the Northeast, and especially problematic in long-term acute-care hospitals -- 18% of them had at least one CRE infection in the first six months of 2012, according to the CDC. One such hospital in Florida reportedly had a whopping 44% infection rate.


The bacteria joins a handful of other hospital-acquired infections, such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Clostridium difficile, that have proven challenging to root out in recent years.



Even worse, CRE can share its drug-resistant genes with other bugs. To stop the bacteria’s spread, CDC Director Tom Frieden offered some advice via Twitter. "Healthcare providers: Wash your hands before touching a patient every time! Prevent CRE," he tweeted Tuesday.

更蹩腳的是,CRE能夠將自身抗藥性基果傳給其他細菌。為了制止細菌的傳佈,缓病防備操纵中心主任Tom Frieden禮拜兩經由過程Twitter供給了一些倡議。“醫護職員:每次接觸病人前要洗腳!防止CRE。”


