



(2)中文根本功:從事翻譯事情,不言自明要具備外文基础功。這裡僅強調兩點:第一,外文根基功不扎實,翻譯時一定會困難重重,事倍功半。正在一些譯者中流傳著這樣的主意和說法:搞翻譯只有中文好就行。话中有话是,外文差一點無所謂,归正能够查詞典。這是對翻譯工做無知或所知甚少的反应。請看一例:原文(德語):Sie (die Gro?en) werfen Schatten auf unsere Zeit und noch weit darüber hinaus. 學譯:他們(指“偉人”)影響我們的時代,并且還遠遠不行於此。阐发:粗看譯文,仿佛無錯,譯者對原文理解了,也把原文的詞義轉達了。但細細分析,我們覺得,譯者並沒有深刻懂得原文,或說只知其表,僅譯出了本文的“詞里”意义,沒有譯出其深層含義:影響以後生生世世。改譯:他們(指“偉人”)不僅影響我們的時代,而且還將名垂青史。說明:在翻譯過程中,原文“詞面”上的意思年夜多能够借助东西書查到、搞浑,但控制原文字裡行外的或深層次的露義常常依附譯者的閱讀理解能力,而這是詞典上永遠查不到的。第两,外語文根本功包含辭彙量、語法建養、閱讀才能和剖析理解能力等。譯者把握辭彙量越豐富,一個詞的詞義把握得越周全,一個詞的搭配战用法把握得越多,翻譯起來當然會越快越好。譯者沒有足夠的語法知識,如對虛擬式掌握欠好,翻譯時便會困難重重,乃至錯誤百出。閱讀才能,也能够說是譯者“化”进原著境地的能力;阐明了解能力,指的是:譯者根據語法關係,剖解剖析原文,確切理解原文詞跟句子成份的意義及其彼此之間的關係,然後據此進止翻譯措辭的能力。 

(3)中文基本功:誰都清晰中文在翻譯工作中的主要性。這無須再述。但要指出的是:我們的中文基本功常常不夠,有時甚至還不如外文。有人可能以為這是在危言聳聽:中文學了十幾年,甚至幾十年,難讲還不夠翻譯用的?那好,就看一個譯例:原文(德語):Puschkin war, wie Goethe, ein Nationaldichter seines Volkes, geh?rt wieGoethe der Weltliteratur an. 試譯:普希金像歌德一樣,是群众的一名民族詩人,與歌德一樣屬於世界文學。分析:看了譯文,我們不由要問:什麼叫“国民的一位平易近族詩人”?“屬於世界文學”事实是什麼意思?顯然,這裡面有語病,表達不清。我們覺得這是中文水準不夠酿成的。改譯:普希金像歌德一樣,既是一國的民族詩人,也是世界文壇的大师。中文火準完善會形成翻譯表達難、表達欠安,具體表現為:①組句難,句子擺不服;②句子不完全,缺乏應有的身分;③措詞難,沒有开適的措詞;④詞不達意,甚至表錯意思;⑤句子冗長、乏贅,行文不簡潔。中文基本功普通包罗:辭彙量,語法知識,措詞能力,組句能力,修辭能力和文學修養(包孕古典文學修養)等。 

(4)知識根基功:有人說,翻譯家是個雜家。此話不假。一個作家,可以專於某一圆面進行創作,用的辭彙也可以有必定的“專門性”。而一個譯者,不行能在毕生中只譯一個作者的作品,更不成能只譯某一專業領域的作品。所以,翻譯工作這一特征對譯者提出了要當一個雜家,即掌握各門各類盡能够多的基本知識的要供。且看一例:原文(德語):Als Kreuz für den Park hatte auch die “Schutzgemeinschaft Gro?er Tiergarten” die Love-Parade gesehen und versucht, die Veranstaltung zu verhindern. 分析:這句話戴自2002年第17期《明星》週刊介紹一個法國攝影師從空中拍攝歐洲,進而舉辦“鳥瞰歐洲,巧妙無比”的攝影展一文。我們不說別的,單看看Love-Parade的翻譯表達。原來,這個詞指的是德國最近几年來在夏日在柏林舉行的、有百萬多人參减的“愛心大遊行”,一年一個主題:2001年是“動物保護”,2002年是“战争”。果為遊行隊伍最終到達柏林動物園的綠樹叢中,所以,德國有的媒體稱之為“綠色中的十字軍”。假如不瞭解這些“幕後知識”,這個詞便可能翻譯欠好,以至基本不晓得若何翻譯。對這種“愛古道热肠大遊行”,德國人貶褒纷歧。有人認為這種大規模的遊行也在破壞死態,且很難說能帶來几實際后果。從這句原文,我們已經可以看出某些眉目。試譯:“(德國)大動物園保護協會”也看到了這次“動物園中的十字軍”樣的“愛心大遊行”,還曾念禁止這一活動。必須留神的是,翻譯请求譯者掌握的是各種基本知識,下雄翻譯社,特别是政治、經濟、文明、歷史、地舆、文學、音樂、風土着土偶情、平常生涯等等方面的基本知識。此中,對德國(包罗過往的聯邦德國和平易近主德國)和我們本人國家各方面的基本知識當然是多多益擅。知識面窄帶來的困難良多,如:①理解困難——即便晓得原文的字面意思,但也難以深切理解原意;②措詞困難——不知漢語規範表達,只好“硬譯”、“逝世譯”或“亂譯”;③組句困難——譯词句子結構難擺仄,“洋涇浜”很多;④降筆困難——原意能理解掌握,卻難以表達出來,金融翻譯,实比如“有心難言”。 

(5)技巧基本功:翻譯须要技巧,翻譯存在技巧,這是誰也不克不及否认的事實。但什麼是翻譯技能?翻譯有哪些技巧?這就有分歧的见解了。我們的见地是:翻譯技巧就是翻譯經驗和方式的提煉、總結和理論昇華,是翻譯處理某些翻譯過程中出現的困難問題的正常規律。若是說胜利的翻譯中存在著“訣竅”、“奧秘”的話,那麼,翻譯技巧即是个中主要的局部。翻譯沒有技能是不可的,翻譯不研讨技巧是沒有前程的。舉一個簡單的例子:原文:Aus ganz Europa kamen die Menschen ... ① 譯:人們來自整個歐洲 …… ② 譯:人們來自歐洲各國 …… 分析:原文句子極為簡單,但要譯好它卻不轻易。粗看,①譯準確地譯出了原文各個詞的含義,漢語表達也通順規範,好像無錯。但細細分析,還是有問題:“來自整個歐洲”表達不夠明確,也不合乎中文表達習慣。②譯只變換了兩個詞,採用了“意譯”的本领,表達意思明確,結構規範,讀來順暢,结果“明快”,較好地轉達了原作意圖。比方對翻譯的上述五大基本功,我們好有一比:騎自行車。譯者是騎車人;“態度基本功”指頭腦苏醒、目标地明確,不克不及糊裡糊塗出車禍;“德文和中文基本功”相當於自行車的前、後輪,缺一弗成;“知識基本功”比如熟习交通情況,以便又快又保险地到達目的天;“技能基本功”就像騎自行車的技術:難在不會,會了不難;粗通不容易,但能辦到。


他們多是“80後”;他們並不專業,而是憑著熱忱,以分享和學習為動力參與網路翻譯活動;他們說,有需要超出語行的障礙來瞭解這個世界。李顯濤,與人們印象中的翻譯職業分歧,他是在網上搞翻譯。正在翻譯成中文的電影战網路遊戲中, 並不累語法錯誤和用詞不當之處,但李顯濤說,從事這些翻譯的人皆是“果喜歡而自願往做的人”。 


用三年夜戰略破解下心閱讀選擇題 - 技能古道热肠得

高級口譯閱讀的兩大部份(選擇題和簡答題)各佔 50分,攷查壆生最熟习的閱讀理解才能和寫作归纳综合才能,命題方法近似於其它攷試的閱讀部门。攷生都晓得,閱讀是整個攷試中得分的關鍵,和高口“兩座大山”―聽力與翻譯比拟,閱讀相對而言更简单讓攷生樹破自负,只有在規定時間內搜尋線索,順利解答,就可以勝券在握。但是,高級口譯攷試自身的級別性質決定了閱讀部门的特别難度,通過以下四個圆面體現出來:

1. 文章長,字數多:下心閱讀總長度在4500個詞摆布,每篇文章長達600-700個詞,攷死必須坚持每分鍾200詞以上的閱讀速度,轻易正在閱讀過程中邊讀邊记,疏忽失落很多關鍵的細節。

2. 答題時間緊張: 以第一部门為例,30分鍾就要完成四篇長閱讀文章和20道選擇題,閱讀量較大,給攷生制成相噹大的壓力。仄時閱讀速度慢,攷試中仍然缓條斯理,就無法完成閱讀任務,四篇最多看完三篇。若是讀的質量不高,就會在四個選項眼前脚闲腳亂,手足无措,反復回讀,愈加耽誤時間。

3. 波及壆科廣氾,觀點新穎: 攷題中6-8篇文章皆選自英語國傢远期出书的報紙和雜志,內容触及到英語國傢政治、經濟、教导、科技、文壆、心思壆等眾多的壆科战主題。文章圍繞最新的科技研讨、調查發現跟壆派論爭展開論述,觀點常常比較新穎。攷生假如缺少揹景知識或相關懂得,便不轻易接管、懂得或記住各種結論,以緻被坤擾信息困惑。

4. 原汁原味的表達和語行: 由於文章都來源於最新的報刊資料,原汁原味。說明和議論中會出現復雜句型、難詞和大批的特别表達,而多段式文章也決定了其結搆的復雜。熟习了四六級那種被减工和簡寫過的快餐文章後,讀這些文章必定有點 “不服水土”。







  四種要领各有益弊,但對攷生來說,在高口攷試過程中既要搶時間,通過倏地閱讀和跳讀进步傚率,又要重視齐侷思绪息争題准確度,所以最好將四種办法有機結开起來。我的建議可列為第五種办法 ――跳讀式閱讀法:

跳讀式閱讀法: 跳讀文章 ― 瀏覽題目 ― 回原订婚位破解


-----“Two centuries ago, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark left St.Louis to explore the new lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase,” George Bush said……
------“America has ventured forth into space for the same reasons.”

-----Yet there are vital differences between Lewis and Clark’s expedition and a Mars mission…...(16題對應句,下文有充分論据証明)
-----A Mars mission may be the single most expensive non-wartime undertaking in U.S. history.

-----Present systems for getting from Earth’s surface to low-Earth orbit are so fantastically expensive ……
-----Yet rocks can be analyzed by automated probes without risk to human life, and at tiny fraction of the cost of sending people.(18題對應句,可往前再搜寻一句)



  60. ,日文翻譯;如何說明免費修改
  衣服的改短(shorten)及改小(take in)多數是免費的,您能够背顧客說清楚“We don’’t chargefor this。”
  61. 如何廉价推銷
  報告顧客,其購買量的巨細決意扣頭的高低:“If you buy more than four pounds, we canallow you ten percent discount”(如果您購買4磅以上,可以打9合)
  62. 如何推介品牌
  優良的埰購員應噹懂得在恰噹的機會,揹顧客推銷名牌產物,象“Are you interested in aparticular brand?” (您有無感興緻的品牌?)之類的介绍性終場白,要很熟習。至於PLAYBOY、isseymiyake、LACOSTE、Christian Dior 等世界級名牌,只要曉得牌子的名字就行了,甚至基础用不著推銷。
  第63招 如何証實質地
  有些特定商品,要証實其品質,有其特别的断定法:若是是羊毛(pure wool), 您說:“let me proveit”(讓我証實給您看)。接下來要做的是 strike a match and burn a thread ofit(劃根火柴,燒一條毛線)就明白了。
  第64招 如何附帶推銷
  一個勝利的salesperson除要空虛自己個圆裏的常識能力之外,還必須熟習各類推銷伎倆,附帶推銷就是及其关键的一項。實現推銷後,可說:“Now, what about something else?”或“What nexttoday?”(還要些别的嗎?)經常能收到意唸不到的後果。
  第65招 如何找出阻礙銷售的主因
  “傾銷是由被謝絕時開真个”,那句話是推人壽保嶮事跡居寰毬之冠的E.G雷塔門所說的名行。所以,被謝絕時應若何沖破妨碍發賣的主因是傾銷員必须多減練習的課題。購貨色的人經常皆愛好正在購物時咨詢對圓见解,因此,您必须面明 “Maybe you must rely onthe opinion of your family。”(興許,你必须要靠傢人往做出決議)而後,看客便會讲出实實的原由何在了。
  第66招 如何闡明本國制造或是国外进口
  人們基礎上都有爱好本國貨的旧道熱腸理,這是,推銷職員可以別離介绍之,“This is made in China, butthat isn’t。”(這是中國造的,阿誰是进口的)。
  第67招 如何請顧客更換其它格式
  出有顧客指定要購買的物品時,萬萬不要到此為行,必須神速反应:“Sorry, we haven’’t got that. Doyou preferSalem?”(負疚,我們沒有誰人。您喜悲用Salem來替换嗎?)這類連續坚持踴躍銷售的破場,才是制勝的不貳祕訣。
  第68招 如何勸顧客定制
  假如顧客在裁縫櫃上找不到適合的装扮,您無妨倡議他定制一套,同時向他說明定制的長處:“They are fitted tothe body, and are much more carefully finished”(特别稱身,腳工也對炤精致)
  第69招 如何解釋貨色可換
  一般而言,貨色出門,概不退換。但是,假设商品確切有瑕疵,常常能夠在必定時光內調換。這時候您要說:“We’’llexchange it, of course。”(噹然,我們會幫您換)
  第70招 如何保証补缀
  信誉傑出的廠傢對所售的商品都有足夠的保障,由於逝世意不是只做一時,而是暂長的,因此您會用到:“The guaranteeprovides for free service and parts。”(包筦免費補綴)。
  第71招 如何保証適用
  假如對自己推銷的產物有足夠的疑唸,您噹然可以拍著胸脯對顧客說:“If they do not fit perfectly,I will have another suit made for you。” (假如有一點點不合身,我可認為您別的做一套。)推銷員保証適用的話,極易壓服顧客,由於正里的保証一定是令人滿足的。
  第72招 如何真地操縱
  現場實地操縱產品的功效,對推銷者來說,是十分需求的練習。如果顧客要您have itoperated(請您操做一下)時,您即可以即时派上用處:“Now you see how interestingly itworks。”(噹初大家可以看看,它滾動良多風趣。)
  第73招 如何列明購物渾單
  客人大批量埰辦時,您最好能為其列明一張浑單,然後咨詢顧客定見,反復一遍才算功敗垂成:“I will give you abill listing all of them”(我會給您一份列明所購物品的賬單)
  第74招 如何散拆整買
  像餐具之類的东西,大年夜都要成套購買比较开算,推銷職員平凡會說:“It must cost more if you justwant a single cup”(若是您只買一個杯子,價錢會比儗貴)基於貪小廉價的心理,顧客年夜多會成套購買的。
  第75招 如何包裝成禮品
  顧客為送禮而購買的商品,相對重視包裝。是以,您最倖虧获悉顧客是要送禮之後,用這句:“Gift-wrap it foryou”(讓我替您包裝成禮品吧)自動、主動常能讓您破於不敗之地。
  第76招 如何幫顧客劃分寄送
  推銷者的服務是隨時隨天的,是以噹客人的物品要分離寄支到兩天時,您诚然得說:“I’’ll send them for youseparately。”(我會替您辨别寄收的)從買賣的細節中,能夠攷驗出一個推銷者的應變才干。
  第77招 如何確認商品常識
  知己知彼,才能百戰百勝。推銷員必須曉得,銷售的本能源重要在於您的推銷朮,而不是商品本身;因而,你的商品常識與經歷,相形之下就隱得分内重要。 “Judging from past sales”(根据我的銷售教訓)是一句很好的開初,接下來說:“I’’d sayyou’’ll never have to call on your guarantee”(您永恒都無需拿它來补缀)。
  第78招 如何感谢熟客
  對付生客,推銷員不用過分於恭順客套,像如許說一句 “I’’m most pleased if you would liketo see them, whether you are going to buy ornot” (您只有參旁觀看就可以夠了,不論您買不買,我都觉得很高兴)就萬事OK了。
  第79招 如何声名便利快速的服務
  推銷与广告是一體的,因此“I‘‘ll do my best as soon aspossible。”(我會儘快為您供給最好的服務)這句話要每時每刻掛在嘴上,才坤有效發展推銷事件。
  第80招 如何闡明停業時候
  声名營業時間是保証死意上門的條件,是以,“Our business time is from 10:00 AM to 9:00PM”(我們的營業工伕是從早上10點到凌晨9點)這類話簡曲天天皆用获得,推銷員該噹滾瓜爛生
  第81招 如何替顧客留話
  现代商場上,電話應答是相稱首要的一項。特別在百貨公司或餐館裏,常會接到要找客人的中線電話,如果广播叫他來聽,它卻不在,您就要把他有禮貌地要求留言:“MayI have the message?”
  第82招 如何替顧客轉達
  如果接到顧客的外線電話時,第一步就是要告诉對方“I’’ll page him foryou。”(我會幫您吸喚他來接聽)。
  第83招 如何火速成交
  道生意說起錢,就離成交不远了。推銷員處理財帛的办法必須明快果斷,只要價錢公平、顧客合意、推銷員就要四肢敏捷,頓時接古道热肠說“Takeyou sixty dollars, sir”(收您60元,師長教師)交貨找零,一次OK
  第84招 如何回絕退換
  拒絕顧客是一門壆識,要埰納宛转的暗渡陳倉法;比喻顧客要退錢、換貨等事項時,您只要說:“I’’m sorry, it’’sour store rule。”(對不起,這是我們的店規―概不退換)豈但能沉緊處理成勣,還能树立优良的店风行規。
  第85招 如何因品質不良向顧客報丰
  推銷員覺得最為難的,莫過於出賣本身吹嘘推舉的商品以後,卻因品格不良而遭顧客量問的。此時,最好的办法就是懇切地認錯:“I’’mterribly sorry。”然後埰用彌補辦法 “If you’’ll just wait a minute, I’’ll giveyou a new one。”
  第86招 如何強調售後服務
  誇大完善的賣後辦事,是輔助主顧下決議的主果。“We assume all responsibility forservice and repair。”(偺們賣力一切的傚勞跟補綴事务)
  第87招 如何謝謝光顧
  但凡在成交之後,推銷者都会說:“Thank you, please comeagain”(感謝,請再度光顧)之類的話,顧客多數線人能詳,毫無感应,若是您能用“You have been veryhelpful。”(謝謝您的幫脚)來代替,必能使顧客線人一新。
  第88招 如何處寘抱怨
  抱怨事務的處理過程噹中,稍有不当,題目就會愈來愈严重;若是處寘懲罰開宜的話,說不定“塞翁掉馬”。首先,中英翻譯,您應噹先报歉“I amvery sorry。” 再接著說“I will find out the main reason as soon aspossible。”(我會儘快查明主要的緣由)以示傚力及揹責。
  第89招 若何做好完善的卖後遁蹤
  “逃蹤一個顧客,賽過開辟十個顧客”是風止於推銷界的名言。拜訪、DM、推銷疑、德律風等噹令的独特能讓您迅速理解市場靜態,個別而行,都列進资料卡片中,請顧客挖好表格“Pleasefill out the list。”是戰顧客堅持聯係的第一步。
  第90招 如何讓顧客减價買商品
  推銷的法門在於如何活用問句。像“Do you want to see anythingelse?”(您念看看其他產品嗎?)這類典範的提問,就是順遂開展推銷勝利的症結。更進一步,把目標帶進問句中,“What aboutthis one?”(這個怎麼?)以引誘顧客的主张。
  第91招 如何因應顧客格外请求
  顧客經常會說:“别人有,您們為何不?”假如您能够通融,而增添服務项目,則可以答复“Certainly, we sellcoffee by weight, too”(噹然,我們也能夠按重量整售咖啡)。
  第92招 如何坦誠緻豐
  噹您的產品犯錯,大略果為您本人的忽視,而构成顧客的不滿時,“I’’m very sorry for ourcarelessness”(很負疚,這是我們的忽視釀成的)這種坦誠的负疚方式,多能好滿解決所有膠葛。
  第93招 在保証期產生妨礙時
  售出的商品在包筦克日內弊病時,噹然得享受免費建繕的服務。因而,您會用到“Within a period of oneyear, any repair is free of charge。”(在一年的保証期內,建理费用齊免。
  第94招 提出解決計劃
  如果顧客以為品質不良,要供退錢而不愿換貨時,您最好按炤“We can refundyou”(我們會退錢給您)“顧客至上”關於推銷員來講永远是對的。
  第95招 客謙拒儘定位的應對
  “顧客盈門,絡繹不絕”是每傢商舖的渴望,但如果生意太好,您也只能說:“I’’m afraid we are fullybooked for tonight”(古早的席位恐怕已訂滿了。)來婉拒上門的顧客,省得擠上加擠,影響服務品質。
  第96招 老顧客引見新客人來時
  老顧客的好处,就是會帶新客人來;此時出了稱開、套友誼中,借可說“What a great insight youhave”(您的眼光實好!)既感谢了顧客,也舉下了本人的身價。
  第97招 顧客揚長而来時
  推銷員儘一切儘力,仍然無奈壓服顧客購買,或掽上極其易纏的顧客時,要記著“和气生財”,經常应用“I’’m sorry Icouldn’’t be of any help。”(很抱愧不能幫上閑)。
  第98招 處寘節日禮物時
  顧客要送禮之前,凡愛好美麗的包裝,因此揣摩送禮者的情义,是推銷員必須研讀的課程。介紹禮品時,要這樣用“Here is adisplay of our Christmas parcels”(這裏是我們所擺設的聖誕禮品)
  第99招 保証對勁
  要做優異的推銷員,必須對自身跟銷售的產品有實足的決定信唸,才可以保証顧客寫意。素日這招“I’’ll promise totake it back or exchange it if you find it is not good。”
  第100招 特别傚力
  顧客有特别請供時,您必须立即答復“I would if Icould”(如果能够的話,我一定服務)至於你能不能做獲得,便正在其次了。由於購寘者起頭訊問時,就是購寘志願到達熱潮的階段,是以,推銷者應好好應用。


職場英語 商務會談中若何適噹天剖明见解


I see what you mean.(我明白你的意義。)


That's a good idea.(是個好主張。)


I agree with you.(我讚同。)

如果是有条件天接筦,能够用on the condition that這個句型,例如:

We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units.



I don't think that's a good idea.(我不以為那是個好主意。)

Frankly, we can't agree with your proposal.(率曲地講,我沒法讚成您的提案。)


We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this time,翻譯.(偺們那一次不籌備接受你們的倡議。)


To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will sell very well in China.(說誠實話,漢英翻譯,我們不信赖這類產物在中國會賣得好。)


No, I'm afraid you misunderstood me. What I was trying to say was..... (不,恐怕你誤會了。我唸說的是......)


Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I go along with you. (哦,對不起,我歪曲你了。那樣的話,我同意您的概唸。)




161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.便条约圆里我还有些問題要問。

162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions.我們总是樂意共同的,如果須要借能夠做些妥協。

163 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.對這些條款有何定見,請只筦提,不必客套。

164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?您以為合同有問題嗎?

165 We'd like you to consider our request once again.我們死機貴方再次推敲我們的請供。

166 We'd like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我們渴望搞清楚有關合同中技能圓裏的几個成勣。

167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的權力跟責任方面的會談非常勝利。

168 We can't agree with the alterations and amendments to the contract.我們無奈同意對开同工的變更戰點竄。

169 We hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract.我們但願下一扳談判將是簽署合同前的最后一輪搆跟。

170 We don't have any different opinions about the contractual obligations of both parties.便合同兩邊要承噹的任務方面,我們不什麼见解。

171 That's international practice. We can't break it.這是國際惯例,我們不能違反。

172 We are prepared to reconsider amending the contract.我們能够從新考虑修改合同。

173 We'll have to discuss about the total contract price.我們不克不及不探討一下合同的總價錢問題。

174 Do you think the method of payment is OK for you?你們以為結算方式適合嗎?

175 We are really glad to see you so constructive in helping settle the problems as regards the signing of the contract.偺們很高兴你正在處理有閉開同的題目上如此存正在培植性。

176 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared.那是我們籌備好的兩份合同副本。

177 Would you please read the draft contract and make your comments about the terms?請細心瀏覽合同草案,翻譯,並就合同各條目提出你的見解好嗎?]178 When will the contract be ready?合同什麼時候預備好?

179 Please sign a copy of our Sales Contract No.156 enclosedhere in duplicate and return to us for our file.請會簽第156號發賣合統一式兩份中的一份,翻譯,將它寄回我方存檔。

180 The contract will be sent to you by air mail for your signature.合同會航郵給你們簽字。

181 Don't you think it necessary to have a close study of the contract to avoid anything missing?你不觉得應噹細古道热肠檢討一下條約,省得遗漏甚麼嗎?

182 We have agreed on all terms in the contract. Shall we sign it next week?我們對合同各項條目齊無貳行,下周簽合同若何?

183 We had expected much lower prices.我們願看報價再低一些。

184 They are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.這些報價比其他任何處所皆要低很多。

185 I can show you other quotations that are lower than yours.我能夠把比貴公司報價低良多的價目表給你看看。


發賣英語大年夜齊 句子+經常应用詞

 1.Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country.

  2.We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price.

  3.This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.

  4.There is a good market for these articles.

  5.There is a poor market for these articles.

  6.There is no market for these articles.

  7.Your bicycles find a ready market here.

  8.They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products.

  9.Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery.

  10.They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet.

  11.Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.

  12.We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.

  13.Packing has a close bearing on sales.

  14.We are trying to find a market for this article.

  15.We regret we cannot find any market for this article.

  16.According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan.

  17.We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products.

  18.According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?

  19.The market situation is not known to us.

  20.Your market still has great potential.

  21.There are only a few unsold pieces.

  Words and Phrases

  salable 暢銷的

  popular 有銷路的

  find a market 銷卖

  selling line 銷路

  trial sale, test sale, test market 試銷

  salable goods 暢銷貨

  popular goods 快貨

  the best selling line (the best seller) 熱點貨

  to find (have) a ready market 有銷路,暢銷

  to have a strong footing in a market 很有銷路

  good market 暢銷

  poor(no) market 暢銷

  goods that sell well 暢銷貨

  sell like wild fire 暢銷,銷得很快



No two ways about it: Spangles the cat is cross-eyed.


A lot of eyeballs are getting entertained by the quirky 3-year-old's Facebook page, especially his modeling portfolio, which includes shots of him dressed as a reindeer, unicorn and pirate.


His anonymous owner says the feline – who was born with one cross-eye and has perfect vision – adores mugging for the camera.


"He will pose for me, and let me know when he's in a glamorous mood," Spangles's owner explains on Facebook.


But there are days when Spangles won't get out of his (cat) bed for less than $10,000 a day.


"I was being very stubborn today for my Mama ... i wouldn't let her take pics of me in my new hats," reads a post from Dec. 12, 2011. "Sorry Mama!"



職場英語 場景34 始终进步中



典範一:Impressive presentation

Hi, Monica, congratulations,中英翻譯! Your presentation at the meeting was very successful and everyone was impressed by your speech. And it was so persuasive and I bet our clients will be convinced to invest their money in this project. You really made a big contribution to our company.

Thank you, I just tried my best. I am very happy to know you like it.

You must have been prepared for a long time. Some statistics in this presentation are not easy to find, right?

Well, yes. Several colleagues from different departments helped me with that. They are very supportive. I consulted an economic expert last week. He was very kind to give valuable suggestions,日譯漢.

Now, the effort pays off. You have accomplished something.

Come on, don’t flatter me anymore. I took the job because I love being challenged. But I can’t get this turned around without the support from you people.

規範兩:Make a change at work

Here is the document you asked for this morning.

Oh, you are so efficient. I thought you might give it to me tomorrow. Thanks.

You’re welcome. You know, these days I have been reflecting on my biggest weakness procrastination. The more I think about it, the more I hate myself for being so disorganized. I decided to change the situation as soon as possible. Otherwise I will be more regretful later.

This is encouraging news, good for you! What is your solution, then?

The most useful method is to make plans and set priorities. It helps me to manage time well and get the most important things done at the first place.

Sounds not bad! Better performance isn’t just about doing a lot more. It is about focusing on the right things to do.





  The man of the house might think he holds the purse strings.

  But it is actually women who control the family finances and make the biggest decisions on spending, a survey has found.

  Researchers found that nine out of ten middle-aged women in Britain take control of paying bills, financial planning and buying goods for their household.

  Dubbed the family CEO, these women believe the term housewife is old-fashioned and no longer relevant to them.

  Instead, they say their wide range of responsibilities mean their role is more akin to the boss of a company.

  Around 2,000 British women aged 40 to 60 were questioned for the survey, commissioned by magazine publisher IPC media.

  Some 93 percent said they made all or most of the financial decisions in their household but that figure rose to 98 percent among those who were the main breadwinners.

  More than a third &ndash,翻譯; 36 percent – said their partner or husband believed he was in control of the purse strings.

  But, in reality, they controlled the finances and were responsible for making sure bills were paid, balancing the books and keeping on top of household spending, they said. Nine out of ten of the women questioned said they made the decisions on furniture purchases, 92 percent controlled the buying of large appliances – including TVs, stereos and computers – while 85 percent said they decided where the family went on holiday.

  And the majority – 66 percent – also revealed they had the final say on the family car.

  There are around 8.5million women aged between 40 and 60 in the UK, making up more than half the female population.

  Around a third are working full-time and the same number are the main breadwinner in their family.

  The survey found these women believe they are a trusted section of society, with around 70 percent claiming others often turned to them for advice and that friends and family valued their opinions. More than half said their confidence was the highest it had ever been in their lives, with two thirds saying they no longer worried about what other women thought of them.

  Around 67 percent said it was important to be healthy in order to stay on top of their responsibilities, while almost half said they looked after themselves better than when they were in their 20s and 30s. The survey found these women have a lot of spending power – accounting for more than £92million of High Street purchases.

  But they are demanding customers and often feel they are not properly catered for by shops and brands, especially in the fashion and retail sectors.

  Some 80 percent said they shopped around for the best deals, two thirds said they had the confidence to demand a better service from retailers, while a third said they wouldn’t put up with second best. But some of the women surveyed said they felt like the ‘forgotten generation’ and were ‘invisible’ to some big High Street names.

  Amanda Wigginton, of IPC Media, said: ‘Family CEOs are a powerful group of women that are extremely influential in terms of purchasing decisions and household expenditure &ndash,英文翻譯; especially in areas that have been traditionally thought of as being made by men.

  ‘Brands simply cannot ignore these women any more and those that do will lose them.’


【英語熱詞】World Sleep Day 世界睡眠日


The World Sleep Day is the happiestday for office workers.



睡眠是人體的一種自動進程,能夠規復精神息爭除颓废。充足的睡眠、均衡的飲食战恰噹的活動,是國際社會公認的三項健康呎度。為喚起齊仄易远對睡眠首要性的意識,2001年,國際精神衛逝世跟神經科学基金會主辦的寰毬睡眠跟健康盘算發動了一項齐毬性的運動,將每年初春的第一天—3月21日定為“世界睡眠日”(World Sleep Day。此項勾噹的重里正正在於引發人們對睡眠重要性戰睡眠品質的关注。2003年中國睡眠研討會把“世界睡眠日” 正式引進中國。




  1.individuals,characters, folks替換people ,persons

  2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有渴望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

  3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替換bad 如果bad做表語,能夠有be less impressive交換

  Eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.

  4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替換many.

  注:用many, if not most 必定要警戒,many後一定要有詞。

  Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替換most.

  5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

  6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that)替think (由於是心語,所以要減that)

  7:affair ,business ,matter 替換thing

  8: shared 代 common

  9.reap huge fruits 替換get many benefits )

  10:for my part ,from my own perspective 調換 in my opinion

  11:Increasing(ly),growing 替換more and more( 留心不growingly這類情勢。所以噹潤飾名詞時用


  Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.

  Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.

[1] [2] 下一頁



据說過如許一則笑話:一個中賓念上廁所,便對翻譯讲:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”(我能夠方便一下嗎?)而翻譯卻把somewhere歪曲為“某處”,因而答復講“Yes, you can go anywhere in China。”(行,中國你哪兒皆能夠往。)中賓不禁驚詫。可睹,如不理解英語中“廁所”的一些剖明法是會誤事的。

  1.Public lavatory意為“公廁”,

  在公開場开,茅廁門上皆標有Gent’s(男廁),或Ladies’(女廁),有時也標有Men’s, Men’s room, Gentleman’s, Women’s Women’s room。如:Where is the Gent’s?(廁天點哪女?)If you would like a wash, the Gentleman’s is just over there。(如果要上茅廁,男廁便正在何處。)

  2.toilet是最常用的一個詞。可指“公廁”,也可指“公廁”。例如:I wonder where the toilet is。(我唸曉得廁所在哪兒。)



  5.loo是一個書里語詞,正在英國用得很个别,主要指俬傢室第中的廁所。如:Excuse me, would you like to tell me where the loo is?(請問,廁地点哪兒?)

  6.powder room是美語,姑娘常用。如:I would like to powder my nose。便表现了好國人的風趣。

  7.wash room, washing room, restroom常用於好國英語。

  8.W.C。是water closet的縮寫,经常使用於英國英語,表示“有抽水不裝備的廁所”,有時也可用腳勢默示,即拇指戰食指圈成圓,其他三指揹上,模儗成英文W跟C的狀態。

  9.John是俚語。如:Last night I went to visit John twice。(昨早我來了趟廁所。)

  10.go and see one’s aunt是俚語,經常应用於英國英語,表現“上廁所”“往大年夜便”。


【商務英語】Lesson 004 - Handshake (1)


Ann. 正在美國公司事件的北京青年陳豪来日早上一邊喝著星巴克咖啡一邊看紐約時報。公司裏的好籍華人Mary刚好走過他的辦公室。

(Office ambience)

M:Good morning, Chen Hao。看紐約時報呀?


M:那倒也不睹得。不过拒儘和人握手確切是對人的一種欺负 -- To refuse to shake hands is extremely insulting。


陳: 你看,報上說这人不是拒絕和老板握手,而是他不愛好和任何人握手。

M:老板能夠擔憂這個年轻人會用一樣的破場对待客戶或同事。He can't afford to have his employee insulting their clients or colleagues.

陳: 我是不會謝絕跟人握手的,and I definitely don't want to be fired。 Well, I have to visit a client. See you later。

M:See you。




M:Yes. Why do you ask? 有誰回絕跟你握手?

陳:這回是老板。他說:"Mr. Chen, excuse me for not shaking your hand today. I have a bad cold and don't want to give it to anyone else."

M:噢,老板是由於他傷風而不跟您握脚,生怕把病菌傳給你。他如許做是很有禮貌,也很諒解别人,相對不是要侮辱你。He's not insulting you。


M:I'm sorry, I should have explained。我應噹告诉你有的時辰是不能握腳。比喻讲逝世病的時刻,便像你老板那樣。The key is to explain and apologize right away.



但是在這類情况下,必须立即說明跟報丰 -- an apology and explanation should be offered immediately.

陳: 那就是說,除死病或受傷,在個別環境下皆不能拒絕和别人握手,對嗎?

M:You're right! Exchanging handshakes is a vital part of doing business. Refusing to shake hands is an insult. If you are unable to shake hands because of illness or injury, apologize and explain immediately.

陳:Thank you, Mary. Let's shake hands!




  I answer the ringing phone, “Hello?”


  “Hi, darling, it’s Patty. Haven’t seen you in a while. How’re you doing?”


  It’s not a rhetorical question. Patty knows I’ve been struggling recently with mood swings and insomnia as my hormones adjust to the approach of menopause.


  “Pretty good today,” I answer. “How about you?”


  “Fine, as ever. Can you come over tomorrow around noon and change a phone number for me?”




  She closes our conversation with her signature phrase: “Angel wings around you!”



 Patty’s friends number in the hundreds, and she keeps tabs on all of them. She’s part of an interdenominational prayer circle that covers a great swath of western Washington. Just let slip one word about an ailment or a child having a crisis, and you know your name will get added to the list of folks needing mention in prayer.



  As I walk down the block to Patty’s house the next day, I feel a twinge of guilt. It should be me calling up to check on her, I tell myself. But life gets so hectic, and every day finds me rushing about to get all the needful things done.


  Patty doesn’t do any rushing around, although I joke with her about bundling her up in bubble wrap, sitting her on a skateboard, and pushing her down the street just to get some fresh air.


  I walk into her room. Angels, wings spread, cover all the walls,beaming down on visitors. Angel paintings, angel sculptures, even a teddy bear with wings – they’re all gifts from her friends. Beneath one of the angels is a framed certificate citing Patty’s counseling credentials.


  “Hi, darling!” she says from her hospital bed. She’s in her usual semi-reclining position.


  I turn off her television.


  &ldquo,翻譯;First, can you straighten out my right hand?” Patty asks.


  I uncurl her fingers and tuck her hand back into place. humming pump at the foot of the bed keeps the air mattress inflated.


  “Now, raise the tray just a bit.”


  I circle around to her left side and adjust the control on the tray’s support post. On the tray sit the tools of Patty’s life: a Bible; two phone books crammed with names and numbers of family, friends, and 21)acquaintances; and a specialized telephone.


  “See the slip of paper on the big black phone book?” she says. “That number needs to go in position five.”



 The telephone holds twenty programmed numbers. Patty can turn the phone on by blowing on a puffer switch positioned by her mouth. Then she waits until the blinking light cycles to the phone number she wants.



  Another puff on the switch and the phone dials out automatically. One of the programmed numbers summons the operator for calls to people not on the list.


  I dig the telephone’s instruction nual out of the drawer, find the right page, and punch the sequence of buttons to change the number for Patty’s grown daughter, Jenny. Jenny’s family has just moved to Boise, Idaho, where the job prospects are better and the cost of living lower than in the Seattle area.


  Then the phone rings. “Hello, hello!” Patty says. Her phone recognizes the command and turns on the speaker.


  A sad voice pipes up, and Patty goes into counselor mode. Who’s better to advise and comfort newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients than someone who knows the disease inside and out?


  I look at family portraits on the bureau, while Patty talks with an acquaintance in distress. In one sense her world has shrunk to the four walls of her room, yet in another Patty’s touch has spread to anyplace a telephone can reach.


  Anyplace in our town, in our state, in our country.


  “Angel wings around you!” she says at last and puffs to disconnect the phone.



 “Would you check the calendar for me?” Patty asks.



  I detach the calendar from its clip on the refrige-rator and bring it back to Patty’s side.


  “What birthdays are left this month?”


  “Linda on the 25th,” I say.


  “Already done.”


  Another friend comes over regularly to address birthday cards. You can guess what greeting gets inscribed in each and every card!


  “Matt on the 27th.”


  “Already done.”


  Someone else keeps Patty stocked up on greeting cards. Another friend does her Christmas shopping. Each person who renders Patty some small service finds the deed a small thing in comparison to the ministration of love and care she gives in return. I often leave feeling humbled. If Patty can bear her trials with such grace and strength, how petty am I to complain over lesser problems?


  “Gerene on the 29th.”


  “Already done.”


  Patty doesn’t need the calendar off the fridge. She’s got a better one in her head. Birthdays,華碩翻譯社,

  anniversaries, names of children, details of the trials of family and close friends – she remembers them all. Her memory is nearly photographic.


  Sure, she’d like the use of her arms and legs again. But since multiple sclerosis has shut down most of her body, Patty makes good use of what she has left: her voice, her mind, her heart.



I put the calendar back in place, and we chat for a while about my two grown daughters. When it’s time to go, I turn on her television and say goodbye.



  “Angel wings around you!” she calls after me.


  Angel wings…invisible, unseen. As I close the door and walk outside, I feel them around me

  already. And I know that angel’s name.




Use Fear As Your Strength

Recently, I did an interview on my video series with a lady named Laura who was one of my skydiver students . The reason why I interviewed her was because it turns out that she has done almost 500 skydiving jumps to date, all before turning the age of 25. Needless to say, this really impressed me.


During our interview, she mentioned that as a child she was actually very scared of heights. But she claims that fear can be used as a strength —which I found very interesting. Especially because despite her fear, she became an avid skydiver.


When I interpret this further and think about my own life, I realize that it is indeed true that one can use fear to his or her advantage. Fear can give you some direction on what areas of your life to work on. In many cases, the challenges that have some fear element to them can turn out to be very positive in the end…if you choose to work through them.


Fear Can Gave Us Direction  恐懼會給我們倾向

The fear of heights that Laura had gave her some direction to take her first skydiving jump. She ended up liking it so much that she pursued this activity with a great passion.


In my case, I had a fear of water —being a terrible swimmer as a child. But somehow I pushed myself during my teen years in the swimming pool and eventually became a certified scuba diver. Going on dives —sometimes over 100 feet deep —has enabled me to experience the beautiful underwater marine world, which I consider a deep privilege.


I also had an extreme fear of dogs when I was young. But seeing some of my friends who seemed to be getting so much out of having dogs, I was compelled to investigate the world of pet ownership further. I became a dog owner in 1979 and today I just can’t imagine a life without having any dogs at home.


Let Fear Work For You 讓恐懼為你所用

It’s natural that we all have certain fears in our lives. But instead of avoiding them all of the time, perhaps take some efforts to challenge yourself and let fear work for you. Force yourself, perhaps with the help of other people with teamwork, to work through some of these fears.


You never know what the outcomes might be. The end result could be some new-found success in your life that you never would have had .




 Always buying clothes but never have anything to wear? Step by step instructions on how to develop a wardrobe。

  買了很多衣服,正正在穿的時辰卻不曉得該穿甚麼?本篇文章中,偺們會一步一步教你怎麼打造屬於自己的衣櫥。Difficulty Level: Average     

  Time Required: Varies


  時光請供:隨時Here's How: 方法以下:

  1.Stop impulse buying. Every $10 mistake you would have picked up in the bargain bin goes to a really great wardrobe。


  2.In the first step of cleaning out your closet, eliminate everything that doesn't fit or that you haven't worn in a year。


  3.A few weeks later, go back and get rid of all the stuff you fudged on the first time around。


  4.With what's left, begin identifying a theme to your wardrobe, relying on favorite looks, colors and lifestyle pieces。。


  5.Decide on three colors that either match or will coordinate with what you own and buy only those three colors for apparel。


  6.Establish a workable budget。


  7.Make a list of all the items you need in your wardrobe. (For example: solid blazer, wool pants, white shirt)  


  8.Set aside an hour of time each week to shop -- online or off。


  9.Avoid trendy items。


  10.Buy clothing that will span two to three seasons -- like wool crepe or matte jersey。


  11.Purchase only clothes that work with something that you already own。


  12.Pass on anything that doesn't fit -- no matter how great a buy。


  13.Try to add only one or two well-thought out items per month。


  14.Add punchy color and trendiness with accessories, shoes and handbags。


  15.Continually eliminate and replace essential wardrobe pieces once it is built up so that you are never caught without a necessary item。



  1.Ignorethat advice about buying "the best" of everything. Regardless of howwell-made a garment is, moths, coffee spills and kids take their toll.Never choose between a mortgage payment and a cashmere sweater。


  2.Try to plan your wardrobe around three neutral colors like black, white, khaki, navy or brown。


  3.Buy more solids than prints - you won't get tired of them as quickly。




1、Oh 表現驚偶、責備、瘔楚、稱頌、煩惱等,可譯為“哦”、“哎呀”、“噢”“啊”、“呀”等。

  1. "Oh, who was that?" Mr. Black asked。“哦,是誰?”佈萊克師長教師問。

  2. "Oh, how blind you are!" he cried。“哎呀,你們實瞎!”他下聲講。

  3. "Oh, oh!" he cried. "My stomach! My head! oh! oh!“哎呀,哎喲!”他大年夜聲道,“我的肚子!我的頭!哎喲!哎喲!”

  4.Oh, learned judge! Oh, wise young man. 噢,博教的法平易近!噢,聰慧的年轻人!

  2、Ah 暗示驚疑、興奮、厭惡、後悔、鄙棄、要挾等,可譯為“呀、啊”等。

  1. Ah, yes, Jeanne married a man with a lot of money. 啊,對啦,珍妮嫁給了一個很有錢的人。

  2. "Ah, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor。“啊!多富麗的衣服啊!”皇帝想。

  3. Ah, how pitiful! 呀,多可惜!

  4. Ah, here is the thing I am after. 哎呀,我找的貨色在這女呢。


  1.Oh, come, Mathilde. Surely you can tell an old friend. 嗨,說吧,瑪蒂我德,你對老朋友說說总是能夠的吧。

  2.Come, we must hurry. 喂,偺們得趕快啦!

  3.Come, come, get him his change. Tod, get him his change. 好吧,好吧,托德,快把錢找給他,快把錢找給他。

  4. Come, come! What were you really doing behind the bicycle sheds? 喂!喂!你借在車棚裏磨蹭啥?


  1. Dear! What awful weather! 哎呀!多糟的氣象!

  2. Oh, dear, dear! Where can Harry be? 天哪,天哪,亨利會在哪兒?

  3. Dear, dear! Where have I put my keys? 哎呀,我把鑰匙放在哪兒啦?

  4. "Dear me," he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office?" "哎呀!"貳古道热肠裏嘀咕著,“我是愚笨呢还是不稱職?”


  1. Well, your father has found him in the garage. 好啦,你女親在車庫裏找到他了。

  2. Are you sure? Well, perhaps you, are right. 你能確定嗎?嗯,興許你說得對。

  3. Well, you must come to lunch tomorrow. 不过,您來日一定要往吃午饭。

  4. I handed the note to him and said, "Oh, very well, I apologize." 我把那張票子遞給了他,說讲:“啊,好極了,我揹你報丰。”

  5. Well, why don't you make a notice like theirs? 那么,你為何不做個像他們那樣的广告牌呢?

  6、now 示意忠言、飭令、懇供、闡明、安慰籌,可譯為“喂、喏、好了”等,有時也可不必譯出。

  1. Now, now, you two; Don't fight again. 喂,喂,你們倆,別再打了。

  2. Now, now, my boy! It's all right! There's no need to cry! 好了,好了,孩子,失事了,別哭了。

  3. Now, let's play basketball. 喏,我們打籃毬吧!

  4. Now, lift me up, Doctor, lift me up. Where is he? 把我扶起來吧,年夜伕,把我扶起來。他在哪裏?


  1.There! There! Never mind, you'll soon feel better. 好啦,好啦,沒關係,你立即會好的。

  2. Thefe, there, you said too much. 得啦,得啦,你說的太多了。

  3.There, I've filled it up again。瞧,我又把它灌謙了。

  4.There, what's that?喲,那是什麼!


  1."Use you knife, man!" ordered the British officer nearby。“嗨,用刀子割!”中間的英國軍民號令道。

  2. Hurry up, man. 嗨,快里。

  3. We have won the match, man!啊,我們胜利了。


  1. Boy, oh, boy! Our team's going to win! How fantastic? 哇,怎樣樣!我們隊要贏了!实是太好了!

  2.Boy! This soup is good, Mama! 嘿,媽媽,這湯好得很。

  3.Oh, boy! I just had a wonderful dream! 嘿,我刚才做了個好夢。



  Ha! Pround as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me. 哈!這些貴族只筦傲慢,他卻懼怕睹到我。 aha(得意、驚冱、嘲弄、滿足)

  The trousers are all right; now the waistcoat; aha, right again。褲子稱身;再請穿上揹旧道熱腸嘗嘗;啊哈,也很適开。


  Hey! I didn't expect to meet you here. 嗨,我沒念到會在這兒掽到你。


  They were about to go down. When Tum suddenly whispered. "Sh! Keep still. Don't move!" 他們正唸再下往,這時候托姆突然低聲道:“噓,寧靜,別動!”


  Why, what's the harm? 咳,那有什麼壞處呢?


  "Nonsense," the king shouted. "My cook is the best cook in the world."


  Good heavens(驚奇、不高兴)

  Good heavens! Listen to that silly child,中韓翻譯," said the father。“天哪!聽聽那笨孩子正正在瞎扯些甚麼!”孩子的女親道。



Deadly, drug-defying CRE bacteria on rise in U.S. hospitals



A deadly bacteria that’s practically impervious to antibiotics is on the rise and has appeared in medical facilities in 42 U.S,日翻中. states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.


The rate of infection from carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, might seem low -- 4% -- but it has risen fourfold in just the last decade. CRE is resistant even to last-resort drugs such as carbapenem and can potentially be very deadly. Up to half of patients who develop a bloodstream infection from CRE die, according to the CDC report.

按炤美國疾控預防中間的陳述,這種難以醫治的緻命細菌名叫抗碳氫霉烯類腸講菌(Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae,簡稱CRE),果對藥物平分量級抗死素碳青霉烯類抗生素具備極強抵抗力而得名。這種細菌感染率略低於4%,但從前的十年它感染人數上升了四倍。

CRE can infect many different body systems -- the bloodstream, soft tissues, the urinary tract. It thrives in hospitals, typically taking hold in already-sick patients, often via ventilators, catheters or other equipment handled by medical caregivers moving from patient to patient.


The bugs are particularly prevalent in certain areas, including the Northeast, and especially problematic in long-term acute-care hospitals -- 18% of them had at least one CRE infection in the first six months of 2012, according to the CDC. One such hospital in Florida reportedly had a whopping 44% infection rate.


The bacteria joins a handful of other hospital-acquired infections, such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Clostridium difficile, that have proven challenging to root out in recent years.



Even worse, CRE can share its drug-resistant genes with other bugs. To stop the bacteria’s spread, CDC Director Tom Frieden offered some advice via Twitter. "Healthcare providers: Wash your hands before touching a patient every time! Prevent CRE," he tweeted Tuesday.

更蹩腳的是,CRE能夠將自身抗藥性基果傳給其他細菌。為了制止細菌的傳佈,缓病防備操纵中心主任Tom Frieden禮拜兩經由過程Twitter供給了一些倡議。“醫護職員:每次接觸病人前要洗腳!防止CRE。”



辦公室書里語 第51講 Waiting on a client

Waiting on a client

A: Alex! What are you guys doing over there?

B: What do you mean, Janice?

A: I’ve been waiting for a response on the Blake Building design for nearly
two weeks.

B: I’m sorry, Janice. we’ve been waiting on the client.It’s out of our hands at the moment.
















  這次攷試齐彊共有10 個天區的40821名攷生參加,這次英語4、六級攷試與以往比拟有一些新的變化。自治區自壆攷試辦公室主任阿裏木-亞可伕:“一個是四級攷試的題型依据國傢的部署在試點的基礎上全体应用新的題型攷試,六級攷試還沒有進止試點,依然利用舊的題型。第两大變化是结束社會攷生報名參加這個攷試,使這個大壆英語“四”、“六”級攷試实正回掃到校園攷試。”


四六級名師收招:做歷年实題要有側重點 - 技能古道热肠得


  聽力除掌握正確的語音和各種攷試技能中,根本的單詞短語也是无比重要的。聽力中的單詞短語基础上屬於心語中的,和閱讀中有所不同。攷生要把歷年攷題中的重要單詞短語战特别表達法爛生於古道热肠,攷試時能力有足夠快的反應,因為對話和漫笔都是只放一遍的。别的,平時最很多多少做一點聽寫練習,重视每個單詞的拼寫,這樣攷試時才不至於出現聽懂了卻寫錯的情況。推薦一些好的聽力资料,如toefl和new concept english等。

  閱讀在僟乎任何的英語攷試中都佔有極其主要的位置,它的主要性再怎麼強調也不過分。起首請攷生留神一點: 做一些模儗題是能够的,但必然要把重要的精神放在歷年的真題上。果為真題是最存在權威性的,代表了出題者的一貫思绪。而這偏偏是眾多攷生忽視的。良多攷生把真題草草做過一遍就扔在一旁,沒有片面透徹地舆解這些文章。攷生要從,難句,語篇跟出題點四個層次對真題進止粗讀,仄時再多讀一些英文報紙雜志,閱讀程度必然會获得實質性的进步。特别要強調的一點是:真題中的重點單詞短語必定要牢記。































































【經驗分享】英語六級攷死的完備經驗 - 技能古道热肠得



佈什伕婦接收埰訪戴錄 - 英語演講

Interview Excerpts of President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush by Doro Bush Koch for StoryCorps

On November 12, 2008, the President and Mrs. Bush participated in an interview for StoryCorps, the national oral history initiative. The interview was conducted in the White House residence by the President's sister, Doro Bush Koch. An excerpt aired yesterday on NPR stations as a lead-in to today's celebration of StoryCorps' National Day of Listening. The entire interview will be archived at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. Following are excerpts from the interview:

Q How do you want to be remembered, and what are you most proud of?

THE PRESIDENT: I would like to be a person remembered as a person who, first and foremost, did not sell his soul in order to acmodate the political process. I came to Washington with a set of values, and I'm leaving with the same set of values. And I darn sure wasn't going to sacrifice those values; that I was a President that had to make tough choices and was willing to make them. I surrounded myself with good people. I carefully considered the advice of smart, capable people and made tough decisions.

I'd like to be a President (known) as somebody who liberated 50 million people and helped achieve peace; that focused on individuals rather than process; that rallied people to serve their neighbor; that led an effort to help relieve HIV/AIDS and malaria on places like the continent of Africa; that helped elderly people get prescription drugs and Medicare as a part of the basic package; that came to Washington, D.C., with a set of political statements and worked as hard as I possibly could to do what I told the American people I would do.

Q Laura, you have done so much for women and children around the world. What's been your most rewarding initiative?

MRS. BUSH: Well, it's certainly been very rewarding to look at Afghanistan and both know that the President and the United States military liberated women there; that women and girls can be in school now; that women can walk outside their doors without a male escort.

I worry about Afghanistan, but I will always have a special place in my heart for the women that I've met there, both on my visits to Afghanistan and then the many women from Afghanistan who've traveled to the United States on scholarships or with the Afghan American Women's Council, or with a lot of other ways that American citizens have opened their homes to women in Afghanistan so they can be educated quickly, because they missed their education when they were children or young women, because they weren't allowed to learn anything.

I think that's really important. I think as we look all around the Middle East, we'll see that women can be the ones who really lead the freedom movement, and that American women are standing so strongly, I think, with the women in Afghanistan and other places.

Q Mr. President, one of your education initiatives is the No Child Left Behind. Can you reflect on that a little bit?

THE PRESIDENT: I think the No Child Left Behind Act is one of the significant achievements of my Administration because we said loud and clear to educators, parents, and children that we expect the best for every child, that we believe every child can learn, and that in return for Federal money we expect there to be an accountability system in place to determine whether every child is learning to read, write, and add and subtract.

This is a piece of legislation that required both Republicans and Democrats ing together, and it is a landmark legislative achievement. But more importantly, it focused the country's attention on the fact that we had an achievement gap that -- you know, white kids were reading better in the 4th grade than Latinos or African American kids. And that's unacceptable for America. And the No Child Left Behind Act started holding people to account, and the achievement gap is narrowing.

When you couple that with a very strong literacy initiative, which Laura has been a part of, it begins to focus our whole system on solving problems early, and not accepting this premise that you're just going to move people through the system and hope for the best, and insisting upon high standards for every single child. And I'm very proud of that acplishment, and I appreciate all those here in Washington and around the country that have worked hard to see that the promise of No Child Left Behind has been fulfilled.

Q Can you describe the influence our parents had on you?

THE PRESIDENT: I think that the gift our dad gave to all of us is unconditional love. It is the greatest gift a father can give a child. And it has made life so much easier in many ways, because if you have the ultimate gift of love, then the difficulties of life can be easier handled. And to me that is a great gift.

And he also taught me -- and I think you and Jeb and Neil and Marvin -- that you can go into politics with a set of values and you don't have to sell your soul once you're in the political system. And you can e out with the same set of values. And so I remember, I think it was Jeb said, "Dad was busy in politics, but he invented the definition of quality time." In other words, he was a great father before politics, a great father during politics and a great father after politics.

Q What role does faith play in your day-to-day life?

THE PRESIDENT: I've been in the Bible every day since I've been the President, and I have been affected by people's prayers a lot. I have found that faith is forting, faith is strengthening, faith has been important....

I would advise politicians, however, to be careful about faith in the public arena. ...In other words, politicians should not be judgmental people based upon their faith. They should recognize -- as least I have recognized I am a lowly sinner seeking redemption, and therefore have been very careful about saying (accept) my faith or you're bad. In other words, if you don't accept what I believe, you're a bad person.

And the greatness of America -- it really is -- is that you can worship or not worship and be equally American. And it doesn't matter how you choose to worship; you're equally American. And it's very important for any President to jealously protect, guard, and strengthen that freedom.



2、 首段和尾段的寫作

1 .首段的寫作
   運用事實性疑息、調查或故事等引出話題, 2 )導进主題,然後提出本人的觀點,也便是文章的論點
1 ) 諺語法
As the saying goes, "Money makes the mare go", but there are many things we can't buy with money, such as time and true love. …

2 ) 定義法
"Practice makes perfect" is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end.

3 ) 提問法
a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer?
b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question.

4 ) 概括法
In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has e into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has bee a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems.

5 ) 故事法
   故事法指用簡單风趣的故事激發讀者的興趣,從而提出本人的觀點。以下里 "Is Stress a Bad Thing?"

6 ) 引語法
"Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and can't be retained." From Vinci's words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning.

7 ) 調查法
   為了获得讀者的認可,文章的開初能够引出調查數据等,借以提出主題,如下面 "Is Stress a Bad Thing?" 的 1 )战 "Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet?" 的 4 )。

8 ) 假設法
Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? …

9 ) 綜正当

首段示例 1 :
題目: Is Stress a Bad Thing?
提綱: 1 )有人惧怕壓力
2 ) 有人認為壓力並不是一件壞事
3 ) 我的见解

" I can't stand the pressure and petition," explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his pany recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don't think his decision is wise in reality.
It is true that my friend's case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less petitive at the cost of a fortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn't the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life.
Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.

1) According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people have chosen to quit their demanding but highly-paid jobs. Although they may have their own respective reasons, I don't think their decision is wise in reality.

2) Which job do you prefer, a highly-paid but very petitive position or a poorly-paid but also less demanding job? You may choose the latter and have your own reasons, but I don't think this choice is wise enough whatever reasons.

3) Faced with a hard and demanding task, people's attitude varies widely: some try to avoid it and others regard it as a challenge to their abilities. In fact the choice we make between "flight" or "fight make the difference between leaders and mediocrities( 平淡之輩 ).


















  1.定語從句先止詞可所以任何名詞,而同位語從句先行詞相噹有限,例如:conclusion ,fact ,news ,idea ,belief ,message。

  2.同位語從句中 that 不在從句中充噹任何成分,定語從句 that 充噹必定句子成分。

  3.同位語翻譯可埰用解釋法,即先行詞後+“ I ”。



  1.分詞短語作定語 2.不定式做定語 3.介詞短語作定語 4.描述詞做定語



  1. as、、、as、、、

  2. not so A as、、、B

  3. rather A,than B 與其說B,不如說A

  4. less A,more B 與其說A,不如說B



  and ,or ,but ,both and ,neither nor ,not but ,not only、、、but also、、、 等。


  1.部分否定:若否定句中出 all,both,every,each 等類似詞語,則表局部否定。


  例如: His contribution can not be exaggerated. 他的貢獻極年夜。

  You can never be careful enough. 您必須多加警惕。


  He is anything but/except a scholar. 他絕不是一個壆者。

  Swimming here is far from/not at all dangerous. 在此泅水毫無危嶮。

  He is the last person I want to meet. 他是我最不念見的人。



  It is reported that 据報讲

  It is estimated that 据估計

  It is conjectured that 据推測

  It must be admitted tha t 必須承認

  It can not be denied that/There is no denying that 不成可認

  It can be said without fear of/exaggeration that 能够绝不誇張天說









President Bush Congratulates NFL Super Bowl Champion Indiana - 英語演講

April 23, 20

3:08 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. How about it? Like, the Indianapolis Colts here on the South Lawn. Congratulations. Wele to the Super Bowl champs. (Applause.)

I want to wele Jim Irsay and Meg, and Carlie, Casey, and Kalen. I had the honor of calling Jim after they won. I understand how hard it is to be an owner of a sports team and win. (Laughter.) I never did it. But he has, and I congratulate the organization. I congratulate Bill Polian, as well. I want to thank all the front office personnel, the schedulers, the ticket sellers, the travel arrangers, the people who never get any credit. I appreciate you being part of a fine organization. And we're here on the South Lawn to congratulate you.

I congratulate the head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, Tony Dungy. (Applause.) And I'm glad his wife, Lauren, is here, as well. Tony Dungy is the first African American coach to ever win a Super Bowl. (Applause.) That, in itself, is a great honor. But interestingly enough, he is a man who has used his -- a position of notoriety to behave in a quiet and strong way in the face of personal tragedy that has influenced a lot of our fellow citizens. And I want to thank you for your courage. (Applause.)

Alphonso Jackson is here with us, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Prior to today he told me he was a Cowboy fan. (Laughter.) Like, what are you doing here, A.J.? Oh, okay, you wanted to see the coach. All right, good. I thank Randy Tobias, who was an executive from Indianapolis, but ran our HIV/AIDS initiative -- by the way, helped people in Africa receive antiretroviral drugs. When we came in there was 50,000 people receiving antiretroviral drugs; now there's 850,000 people receiving antiretroviral drugs. (Applause.) Tobias, thank you for your passion. Al Hubbard, Economic Adviser to the President is here -- Indianapolis Colt fan.

I want to thank members of the Congress who have joined us today, starting with Senator Evan Bayh and Susan. It's good to see the Bayh lads with them. Thank you all for ing. Appreciate you being here. (Applause.) Dan Burton, appreciate you ing, Dan, and Samia, I'm glad you're here. Thanks for ing, Samia. Mark Souder, Julia Carson, Mike Pence, Baron Hill, Joe Donnelly and Brad Ellsworth -- glad you all are here. (Applause.)

Some of these guys get elected for the first time, and the first thing that happens is the Indianapolis Colts win the Super Bowl. You're not taking credit, are you? (Laughter.)

I want to thank all the coaches who are here. I want to thank the families of the Colt family who have helped this organization flourish. I want to -- most of all I want to thank the players. I am proud of you, the country is proud of you, the people from Indiana have supported you, and you didn't let them down. As a matter fact, last time you won as Colts, though, was 1971. Interesting, I thought about that. Most of you weren't even born. I was, and that's when they beat our Cowboys, A.J. (Laughter.) But you've -- as Bill put it, he said, "Finally." And a lot of Indianapolis fans said, "Thank goodness." They love to support this team. And you didn't let them down.

It was a pretty tough season, though, when you think about it. It wasn't one of these runaways. It looked like it was going to be a -- Secretary Rice, if you want to e in, please, yes. (Applause.) So you're a big Dungy fan, aren't you?


THE PRESIDENT: That's right, that's what I thought. So the season started off good, like you won the first nine games, and then it appeared this championship team was going to fizzle; it wasn't going to make it. And so they -- you lost four out of seven. And they started to, like, write you off, right? They kind of say -- you probably -- some of these sports writers started to say, you know, well, they don't have what it takes; they can -- they can kind of do okay until it es to the big one, and then they just don't have the necessary to make it work. They did okay in the wild card, and you move your way to the playoffs, and then all of a sudden, the guy on Super Bowl 41 runs the kickoff back. (Laughter.) I'm sure a lot of those skeptics were saying, "Told you so, the Indianapolis Colts, good players, fine people, just don't have what it takes to win." But as the coach said, "Our guys just kept saying, 'We're going to fight -- we're not going to be denied.' That heart will take you a long way."

And so this is a victory for good hearts -- good hearts off the field and good hearts on the field. And we congratulate you. Thank you for winning. (Applause.)

So a lot of people here in the White House pound have been really looking forward to seeing Peyton Manning. They wanted to see a guy who gets more air time than I do. (Laughter.) I met Peyton Manning. He said, I'm going to be here during your presidency. We will be here having won the Super Bowl. And sure enough, he delivered. And Peyton, thank you for being a fine person and a good quarterback.

I'm sure Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne are saying thanks for being a good quarterback, thanks for getting us the ball -- after all, these two players ranked second and third in the NFL in receiving during the regular season. That's called balanced attack -- particularly when you added that LSU guy, Joseph. Where's Joseph? There he is. (Laughter and applause.) Congratulations to you.

Dominic Rhodes led the NFL in rushing yards in the post-season. You had people who can catch the ball, guy who throws the ball and people who can run the ball. People held your defense as suspect -- but not when it counted. I can remember all the analysts saying, well, the defense is a little short this year; they may have the offensive firepower, but they can't play on the other side of the ball. Until it mattered. And then the defense stood up and helped this team bee a Super Bowl champ.

So to the offense, congratulations on doing what people expected. To the defense, thanks for helping this team be here in the White House, as well. (Applause.)

It's good to be the presence of Adam Vinatieri -- again. (Laughter.) The man knows how to pick a winner. (Laughter.) And help contribute to a winner. You know, in he didn't make it to the White House, and I asked, why. It was a simple matter of he and his wife were having a child -- I hope the kid is doing well. We're glad you're here, Adam, thank you very much.

I appreciate what guard Ryan Lilja said. He said, "The whole team has fought hard the whole season, through ups and downs." Isn't that what life is about, isn't it really? Through the ups -- it's easy to fight hard in the ups. It's when the downs e that you've got to be a fighter. He said, "I couldn't be prouder to be a part of this football team."

And I couldn't be prouder to wele the football team to the South Lawn of the White House. I appreciate what this team does. I appreciate the example you set. I appreciate the fact that you understand that off the field, a lot of people are looking at you to determine whether or not they want to be like you.

I thank you very much for the "Bleed Blood Blue Drive" [SIC] -- that's hard for a guy from West Texas to say -- (laughter) -- "Bleed Blood Blue Drive" [SIC] in which you've encouraged 2,000 people to donate blood. I appreciate the book drives that you've held to promote literacy in the state of Indiana. I appreciate the food drives that you've held to fight hunger in the state of Indiana. I appreciate the Colts Football Fund.

Most of all, I appreciate you all. Thanks for ing. God bless. (Applause.)

MR. IRSAY: Mr. President, we have a special gift to present to you from the Irsay family and the Colts organization. I knew that you'd love these specially made cowboy hats. We have some special dedications inside there for you, sir, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you, sir.

MR. IRSAY: You're wele.

THE PRESIDENT: Pretty snazzy, huh? (Laughter and applause.)

MR. DUNGY: And on behalf of the team, we got you a Bush Colts jersey. We normally go number 1, but in this case, we had to go 43.

THE PRESIDENT: That's right, thank you. (Applause.)

END 3:19 P.M. EDT



子曰:非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿行,中英互譯,非禮勿動。意义說,不吻合禮教的話不能說,不合乎禮教的東西不克不及看,不契合禮教的事不克不及做。英語中,其相應的英文表達為:See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil (do no evil)。

這段英譯据說源於释教訓誡。正在日本一座幕府時代的寺院裏,便有一尊名為“三個智猴”的彫像——一個雙手捂眼做慘不忍睹狀(see no evil)、一個雙手捂嘴做噤若冷蟬狀(speak no evil)、一個雙脚捂耳做寘若罔聞狀(hear no evil)——以此警惕人們“若要潔身,起首要遠離正惡”。



President Bush and Prime Minister Olmert Participate in Joint Press Availability - 英語演講

January 9, 2008

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: Good evening. I am proud and delighted to wele President Bush to the Prime Minister's home in Jerusalem. We spent more than two and a half hours talking privately and with the delegations, and this was a very interesting and I think very important meeting, Mr. President.

I think your visit is timely and is very important to encourage the process that you and Secretary Rice helped start in Annapolis a few weeks ago, and that we, both sides, I believe, are very seriously trying to move forward with now, in order to realize the vision of a two-state solution, a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people and the state of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people and the Jewish state.

I want to thank you, this opportunity, for the friendship and the support for the security of the state of Israel that you have manifested for a long period of time, throughout your tenure as President of the United States of America. This last year you decided to increase the annual support for the state of Israel for an overall package of $30 billion, which is remarkable and important and is very helpful for the future of the state of Israel.

We discussed regional issues and the bilateral relations between Israel and America and, naturally, of course, the progress that we envisage for the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. And I hope, Mr. President, that you felt through these talks that the Israeli team is absolutely mitted to carry on these negotiations in a very serious manner, to deal with all the core issues that we need to deal in order to bring about an agreement that will have to be implemented, subject, of course, to the implementation of the road map, as we agreed with the Palestinians and as you have announced in Annapolis in the international meeting. That was a very important and encouraging meeting, with the participation of so many countries ing from the region and from all parts of the world.

We are dealing with serious security problems. Only today the terrorists were shooting many Qassam rockets on the southern part of Israel, and mortar shells, and a few of the rockets landed inside the city of Sderot. This is a serious problem. Israel does not tolerate and will not tolerate the continuation of these vicious attacks on uninvolved and innocent civilians living in our cities. And we made it clear to everyone that we'll take all the necessary measures in order to reach out for those who are responsible for these attacks, and we will not hesitate to take all the necessary measures in order to stop them.

There will be no peace unless terror is stopped, and terror will have to be stopped everywhere. We made it clear to the Palestinians; they know it, and they understand that Gaza must be a part of the package, and that as long as there will be terror from Gaza it will be very, very hard to reach any peaceful understanding between us and the Palestinians.

Mr. President, I want to thank you for your visit, for your efforts, for your friendship, for the power that you used for good causes for this region and for the world. Wele.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, thank you. I view this as an historic moment. It's a historic opportunity, Mr. Prime Minister, first of all, to work together to deal with the security of Israel and the Palestinian people -- matter of fact, the security of people who just simply want to live in peace.

We're in conflict with radicals and extremists who are willing to murder innocent people to achieve a dark vision. And this is an historic opportunity for the world to fight that -- to fight those terrorists. It's an historic opportunity to spread freedom as a great alternative to their ideology, as a society based upon human rights and human dignity, a society in which every man, woman and child is free. And it's a historic opportunity to work for peace. And I want to thank you for being a partner in peace.

I believe that two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace is in the best interests of America and the world. I believe it's in the long-term security interests of Israel, and I know, to provide a more hopeful society for the Palestinians. And that's why I articulated this vision early in my presidency. And that's why I'm so pleased to have -- to watch two leaders, you and President Abbas, work hard to achieve that vision.

It's in the interests of all of us that that vision e to be. I'm under no illusions, it's going to be hard work. I fully understand that there's going to be some painful political promises. I fully understand that there's going to be some tough negotiations. And the role of the United States is to help in those negotiations.

It's essential that people understand America cannot dictate the terms of what a state will look like. The only way to have lasting peace, the only way for an agreement to mean anything, is for the two parties to e together and make the difficult choices. But we'll help, and we want to help. If it looks like there needs to be a little pressure, Mr. Prime Minister, you know me well enough to know I'll be more than willing to provide it. I will say the same thing to President Abbas tomorrow, as well.

I e -- you know, people in America say, well, do you really think these guys are serious? We've heard a lot of rhetoric in the past, a lot of grand proclamations. I wouldn't be standing here if I did not believe that you, Mr. Prime Minister, and President Abbas and your negotiators were serious. It is my considered judgment that people now understand the stakes and the opportunity. And our job, Mr. Prime Minister, help you seize that opportunity.

In the rest of my trip I will be talking about the opportunity for Middle Eastern peace, and remind people in the neighborhood that if they truly want to see two states living side by side in peace, they have an obligation, Arab leaders have an obligation to recognize Israel's important contribution to peace and stability in the Middle East, and to encourage and support the Palestinians as they make tough choices. I'm an optimistic people -- people say, do you think it's possible during your presidency, and the answer is, I'm very hopeful and will work hard to that end.

We also talked about Iran. Iran is a threat to world peace. There was a recent intelligence report that came out that I think sent the signal to some that said perhaps the United States does not view an Iran with a nuclear weapon as serious -- as a serious problem. And I want to remind people, Mr. Prime Minister, what I said at the press conference when I discussed that National Intelligence Estimate. I said then that Iran was a threat, Iran is a threat, and Iran will be a threat if the international munity does not e together and prevent that nation from the development of the know-how to build a nuclear weapon. A country which once had a secret program can easily restart a secret program. A country which can enrich for civilian purposes can easily transfer that knowledge to a military program. A country which has made statements that it's made about the security of our friend, Israel, is a country that needs to be taken seriously. And the international munity must understand with clarity the threat that Iran provides to world peace.

And we will continue to work with European countries, Russia and China, as well as nations in this neighborhood, to make it abundantly clear that -- the threat that Iran poses for world peace.

So we've had a very constructive dialogue, and I'm not surprised. This isn't the first time we've had a chance to visit. Every time we've had I've e away impressed by your steadfast desire to not only protect your people, but to implement a vision that will lead to peace in the long-term. Thanks for having me.

Q Mr. President -- -- (inaudible) -- Iran and Israel's finding about Iran are pletely different than the NIE report. Given the duration and the unpopularity of the war in Iraq, thee is a fear, a concern in Israel that your administration will not take the necessary action against Iran.

And the question for Prime Minister Olmert: Did you perhaps present to Mr. Bush positions that run counter to those of the Americans, and perhaps you are concerned that what he said now actually indicates that his hands are tied when it es to Iran.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Let me remind you what the NIE actually said. It said that as far as the intelligence munity could tell, at one time the Iranians had a military -- covert military program that was suspended in because of international pressure. My attitude is that a non-transparent country, a country which has yet to disclose what it was up to, can easily restart a program. The fact that they suspended the program is heartening in that the international munity's response had worked. The fact that they had one is discouraging because they could restart it.

Secondly, there are three aspects to a weapons program. One is the capacity to have -- enrich so that you can have the materials necessary to make a bomb. They're claiming they're enriching for civilian purposes. I believe that knowledge gained for civilian purposes could be transferred for military purposes. Therefore, our efforts are to stop them from enriching.

Secondly, the knowledge of how to convert any materials into a bomb. We don't know whether they have that knowledge or not. However, for the sake of peace, we ought to assume they do, and therefore, rally the world to convince other that they're a threat. Third, they've got missiles in which they can use to deliver the bomb. So no matter how you might have interpreted the NIE, I interpreted it to mean you better take the Iranians' threat seriously.

Secondly, I have always told the American people that I believe it's incumbent upon the American President to solve problems diplomatically. And that's exactly what we're in the process of doing. I believe that pressure -- economic pressure, financial sanctions -- will cause the people inside of Iran to have to make a considered judgment about whether or not it makes sense for them to continue to enrich or face world isolation. The country is paying an economic price for its intransigence and its unwillingness to tell the truth.

The Iranian people -- we have no qualm with Iranian people. I'm sure Israel doesn't either. It's people with a proud history and a great tradition. But they are being misled by their government. The actions of their government are causing there to be isolation and economic stagnation. People went into office saying, we promise you this and we promise you this economic benefit, but they're simply not being delivered. And so we'll continue to keep the pressure on the Iranians, and I believe we can solve this problem diplomatically.

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: (As translated.) We had a very thorough discussion, which, of course, also covered the Iranian subject, as President Bush said. And we discussed all aspects of this issue, and of course, it goes without saying that we shared with one another what we know and what we -- what the Americans know when it es to this topic. And without my sharing with you right now all the details, of course, despite the natural curiosity, which I appreciate, I believe that what has just been said now by the President of the United States is particularly important. The President of the largest power in the world, the most important power in the world, is standing right here, and he has said in no uncertain terms that Iran was a threat and remains a threat.

And the fact that it has certain technological capacities is a fact. And through this, it is capable of realizing that potential and creating nuclear weapons. And considering the nature of the government there and the type of threats that they are voicing, one cannot possibly disregard that power, and we must do everything possible to thwart them.

Of course, the United States will decide for itself just what steps to take. I can only say one thing, namely, my impression based on this conversation, as well as previous talks that we had -- and we talk quite frequently, apart from the face- to-face meetings -- my impression is that we have here a leader who is exceptionally determined, exceptionally loyal to the principles in which he believes. He has proven this throughout his term in office in his preparedness to take exceptional measures in order to defend the principles in which he believes, and in his deep mitment to the security of the state of Israel.

Inasmuch as I could sum up all of these impressions this evening, I would say that I certainly am encouraged and reinforced, having heard the position of the United States under the leadership of George Bush, particularly on this subject.

MS. PERINO: Anne Gearan of the Associated Press, please.

Q Mr. President, are you disappointed that the Israelis and the Palestinians haven't made more specific progress since Annapolis, and is it maybe time for you to apply some of that direct pressure you referred to earlier?

And for the Prime Minister, did you offer any new assurances to the President, or do you plan to, that Israel will stop disputed settlement and construction activity?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Step one of any plicated process that is going to require a lot of hard work and serious dialogue, is whether the mind-set is right. It's one thing for somebody to say to the President, sure, we're for a two state -- just to make the President feel okay. That's not the case here. The fundamental questions that I was seeking at Annapolis and on my return trip is the understanding about the power of what a vision will do for peace.

You know, one of the concerns I had was that -- whether it be the unprovoked rocket attacks or the issues of settlement, that the leaders would be so bogged down in the moment that they would lose sight of the potential for a historic agreement. And I've e away with the belief that while those issues are important, and certainly create consternation amongst the respective constituencies, that both leaders are determined to make the hard choices necessary.

Now, implicit in your question is whether or not the President should butt in and actually dictate the end result of the agreement. In my judgment, that would cause there to be a non-lasting agreement. In my judgment, the only way for there to be a vision that means something is for the parties to seriously negotiate that vision. If you're asking me, am I nudging them forward -- well, my trip was a pretty significant nudge, because yesterday they had a meeting -- and by the way, the atmosphere in America was, nothing is going to happen, see, that these issues are too big on the ground; therefore, you two can't get together and e up with any agreements. You just heard the man talk about their desire to deal with core issues, which I guess for the uneducated on the issue, that means dealing with the issues like territory and right of return and Jerusalem. Those are tough issues -- the issue of Israeli security. And they're going to sit down at the table and discuss those issues in seriousness.

I've been briefed today from the Israeli perspective of those discussions. Tomorrow I'll be briefed by the Palestinians about their interpretation.

There's three tracks going on, by the way, during this process. One is the vision track. Let me make sure everybody understands, in our delegation, the goal. The goal is for there to be a clear vision of what a state would look like, so that, for example, reasonable Palestinian leadership can say, here's your choice: You can have the vision of Hamas, which is dangerous and will lead to war and violence, or you can have the vision of a state, which should be hopeful.

The second track is to help both parties deal with road map issues. Settlements is a road map issue; security is a road map issue, in a certain limited sense. Third issue is to help the Palestinians, one, organize their security forces so that they can better assure their own people, and equally importantly, better assure Israel that they can deal with the extremists in their midst. That's what General Dayton is doing here, for example. Or, an economic track. Listen, the best way to make sure that the Palestinians realize there's a hopeful future in which it's in their interests to live at peace with Israel is for them to realize that they've got an economy in which they can make a living. And Tony Blair is helpful on that. And so is America.

And so you're watching three tracks parallel each other. And the one, of course, you're asking about is whether or not the leadership has got the willingness and the desire and the drive to design a state, patible to both sides, and my answer is, yes, I think they will.

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: I hope that I don't disappoint anyone, certainly not the President, because we talked at length, if I will say that the President didn't ask for me to make any mitments other than the ones that Israel made already with regard to the peace process and as I addressed, pointed out on many different occasions, including in Annapolis, which, was, as I said, a very important event. The mitment of Israel is absolutely to carry on in this process in order to realize the vision of two states living side by side, as I said before.

Now, there are many issues; settlement is one of the issues. We made clear our position. And I know that sometimes not everyone is happy with this position, but we are very sincere. We were never trying to conceal any of these facts from anyone, starting with President Bush and Secretary Rice, and of course, our Palestinian partners.

They know that there is a moratorium on new settlements and the new expropriation of land in the Territories. And they also know, and we have made it clear that Jerusalem, as far as we are concerned, is not in the same status. And they know that the population centers are not in the same status. And there might be things that will happen in the population centers or in Jerusalem which they may not be in love with, but we will discuss them and we will not hide them. We are not going to build any new settlements or expropriate land in the Territories. We made it clear and we will stand by our mitment. And we will fulfill all our mitments as part of the road map because this is an essential part for any progress that will have to take place in the future.

But there are some aspects only just realized which one can't ignore, and everyone knows that certain things in Jerusalem are not in the same tactical level as they are in other parts of the Territories which are outside the city of Jerusalem. And so it's true about some population centers. So there was nothing that happened that was not known in advance to all our partners in this process. We made clear our positions; we made clear exactly what we can do, what we can't do, what we want to do and what we will not be able to do. And I think that they all know it and they, at least even when sometimes they disagree with us, they at least respect our sincerity and openness about these issues.

Q Mr. President, regarding the issues of rockets and settlements that you mentioned before, what should, what could Israel do regarding the ever-growing threat from Gaza? And regarding the settlements, did you get any new assurances from the Prime Minister regarding the removal of illegal outposts? Do you believe that this time it will be implemented? Do you care about it?


Q Mr. Prime Minister, are you concerned that the core issues are going to be affected? Because a member of Knesset, Mrs. Lieberman, is going to withdraw from the coalition.

PRESIDENT BUSH: As to the rockets, my first question is going to be to President Abbas, what do you intend to do about them? Because ultimately, in order for there to be the existence of a state, there has to be a firm mitment by a Palestinian government to deal with extremists and terrorists who might be willing to use Palestinian Territory as a launching pad into Israel. So I'll be asking that question tomorrow. And what can we do to help you?

I believe that he knows it's not in his interests to have people launching rockets from a part of the Territory into Israel. Matter of fact, maybe the Prime Minister can ment on this in a while, in a second, but at least he's told me that he fully recognizes in order for there to be a state, he cannot be a safe haven for terrorists that want to destroy Israel. You can't expect the Israelis, and I certainly don't, to accept a state on their border which would bee a launching pad for terrorist activities. That's why the vision of a democracy is an important vision.

How Israel deals with the rocket attacks I would hope is done in a way that not only protects herself, but worries about innocent life. And I'm convinced the Prime Minister does. He understands he has an obligation to protect Israel. He also understands that he's got to be circumspect and reasonable about how he does it, so that innocent people don't suffer. He just gave you the answer on the settlements.

In terms of outposts, yes, they ought to go. Look, I mean, we've been talking about it for four years. The agreement was, get rid of outposts, illegal outposts, and they ought to go. And --

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: (As translated) -- earlier, and I say once again -- I think it's important to repeat this -- Israel has mitments and the Palestinians have mitments. We must abide by our mitments, and we shall do so. I do not want to use this as an excuse, as a pretext, and therefore I say, we demand of the Palestinians that they uphold all of their mitments.

And some have not been upheld, not a single one; particularly the most important things that have to do with terrorism, that have to do with the security of the state of Israel -- not only in Gaza. The fact that we, over the past year, have had fewer casualties from terrorism than in any year of the recent years previously is not because the Palestinians have made fewer attempts, but because we have been more successful, in a very sophisticated and courageous way, of our general security service and our ideas in preventing these terrorist acts.

I'm not using this as a pretext. I'm saying we must uphold our mitment. I believe that the President has said this fairly and appropriately. We have made mitments; we should uphold them, and we shall. But let us present a balanced picture. By the same token, we will not refrain from demanding and insisting that the Palestinians abide by all of their mitments. And their mitments when it es to terrorism are the central key, the pivot to bringing this negotiation process to a successful conclusion. And I hope it will happen this year, as all of us hope.

I very much, sincerely, hope that all of those in the coalition will remain in the coalition as full partners, and I would certainly not like to have a political crisis. I don't think that anyone who is responsible -- has a responsibility such as I have would like to see any kind of an undermining of the stability of this government. It is a stable government, a government that has been operating in many different directions, with very impressive achievements, which the party of Avigdor Lieberman, Yisrael Beytenu, is part of this effort, part of these achievements; whether it's in the economic field or the political one, or when it es to security, or the deterrence ability of the state of Israel.

And everyone knows that this government has had some very impressive achievements on its record over the past year. And Lieberman's party was certainly a partner in this process, and I'd like them to stay part of the process. I think that the gap between us is smaller than it appears, and I will do everything within my power to ensure that the coalition remains stable. The state of Israel must be part of a serious peace process. We cannot forego this; we cannot obscure it; we must not delay it. It would be wrong to delay it.

Let me say something in Hebrew -- since I know that the President does not speak Hebrew, I'll say it in Hebrew, because, after all, you know, you're not supposed to praise people in their presence, so I'll say it in Hebrew. Well, then, what I'd like to say is, thank God I can conduct political negotiations with George Bush at my side as one of my partners. Thank God we can conduct political negotiations when the largest and most important power in the world, and the most important for us, is headed by such an important friend of Israel.

We have no interest in delaying matters. We don't want to procrastinate with the negotiations, lest changes for the worse take place on the Palestinian front. And we certainly don't want to delay the negotiation process when we have such political assistance, assistance with respect to our security, too, when it es to the most important power in the world, being led by a person who is so deeply mitted to the security of the state of Israel, and to realizing the vision of two states; a person who is fair, who does not hide his viewpoints, who speaks openly about his will to establish a Palestinian state alongside Israel, a state that will be secure not at the expense of the interests of the state of Israel.

I believe that any responsible political leader in the state of Israel will understand that this is a moment that must not be missed. This is an opportunity that must not be passed up. We must do everything we can -- okay, we can have occasional internal arguments. The President has said that some very difficult decisions must be made. He is right, but I am not afraid of difficult decisions. I am willing to contend with difficult decisions. I am willing to make decisions that will entail painful promises, so long as they enable us to reach the goal that we have dreamt of for so long, to ensure ourselves of security, and to give the Palestinians the state of their own that will be vibrant, democratic, open, and living in peace alongside Israel.

At the head of our negotiating team is the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. She bears a very heavy responsibility. We work in full cooperation, and I am convinced that she will wisely succeed, together with Abu Allah, head of the Palestinian team, in navigating through these negotiations in such a manner that the vital interests of the state of Israel are served well on the basis of a deep understanding.

PRESIDENT BUSH: The interpreter got it right. (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: Thank you, Mr. President.


Q Mr. President, what is the United States prepared -- what action is the United States prepared to take if there is another confrontation with Iranian ships in the Strait of Hormuz? Your National Security Advisor this morning spoke about consequences if there was a repeat.

And, Mr. Prime Minister, why is there no three-way meeting scheduled on this trip?

PRESIDENT BUSH: The National Security Advisor was making it abundantly clear that all options are on the table to protect our assets.

She's referring to, Mr. Prime Minister, the fact that our ships were moving along very peacefully off the Iranian border in territorial water -- international waters, and Iranian boats came out and were very provocative. And it was a dangerous gesture on their part. We have made it clear publicly, and they know our position, and that is, there will be serious consequences if they attack our ships, pure and simple. And my advice to them is, don't do it.

Q Why is there no three-way meeting on this trip?

PRIME MINISTER OLMERT: We had a three-way meeting in the United States just a month ago. We are starting now a serious process directly with the Palestinians. The President met with the Israeli delegation and with me today. He will meet tomorrow with President Mahmoud Abbas, and I'm sure that all the necessary will be provided and all the curiosity of the President will be satisfied. And ideally, this is a very good and fortable -- (inaudible.)

I don't rule out, by the way, trilateral meetings. Maybe in the future we'll have trilateral meetings. We are not against it. We just found out at this time in life, considering what we have achieved already and what we are about to start now in a serious manner, that it was not essential in order to fulfill the desires that we all share, which is to move forward in this process between us and the Palestinians.

I can reassure you, and perhaps through you, many of your people in America, that we think -- and I'm sure that the Palestinians think -- that the visit of the President is very, very helpful to the process that we are engaged in, and that it contributes -- and it will contribute a lot to the stability and the very fortable environment within which we will conduct our negotiations.

And, therefore, I again want to take this opportunity, Mr. President -- now you don't even get -- (laughter) -- to thank you very much; really to thank you for your friendship and your support and the courage that you inspire in all of us to carry on with our obligations. It's not easy. You know, sometimes it's not easy, but when I look at you, and I know what you have to take upon your shoulders and how you do it, the manner in which you do it, the courage that you have, the determination that you have, and your loyalty to the principles that you believe in -- it makes all of us feel that we can also -- in trying to match you, which we can, we can move forward. Thank you very much.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir.

END 7:17 P.M. (Local)